Life Coaching To Go: 5 Simple Tips to a More Powerful Mindset
Cultivating a positive attitude to life and dealing better with challenges: The following principles can help us to do so.
It's all a matter of mindset
How can we overcome challenges in life more easily and cultivate a strong inner attitude? "It's all a question of the right mindset," a life coach would probably answer. Life coaching is becoming more and more popular and there is a good reason for this: sometimes all we need is the right input to find our centre again or to recognise new possibilities for ourselves. That's why we have picked up five simple principles from the life coaching philosophy that can help us in dealing with smaller and larger challenges.
Principle 1: Think solution-oriented.
Whenever we face a challenge, we often only see the problem. We analyse it and get to the bottom of the causes. However, in such a situation it is much more important to focus on the solution. No matter how much we turn the problem over in our minds and look at it from all sides, it will not change so easily. When we feel stuck, it is therefore most important to put our energy into finding and creating a solution. This can start with asking questions such as: What would the ideal situation look like in the future? What would have to change for this problem or condition to no longer exist? The more aware we become of what the desired outcome would look like in the future, the clearer it becomes what we can do about it.
Principle 2: Acknowledge (your) own ability to act.
It can also happen that we feel overwhelmed by a situation. There are many things in life over which we have no control and which sometimes give us the impression of being completely helpless in a situation. But even if we cannot always control everything, there are always things that are within our control. That is why it is important to ask ourselves precisely these questions: What can I change right now? What lies in my hands and what does not? Acknowledging our own ability to act and becoming proactive brings us back into our own power.
Principle 3: Do a reality check.
It is equally important to do a little reality check every now and then. Our minds often tend to imagine the worst possible scenarios. Then we should try to look at the situation very rationally: How likely is it really that this case will occur? If you try to reassess the situation neutrally and with a little distance, it usually becomes clear that the situation is not as hopeless as it seemed at first glance.
Principle 4: Be grateful for the good.
Another important principle: gratitude. Seeing what is already going well in life helps us feel good, which gives us new courage and energy. Even if things are looking less good in a certain area of life, there are certainly other aspects of your life that you can be happy about. Focusing on the positive or cultivating more positivity is a real gamechanger - it can fundamentally change the course of things.
Principle 5: Small steps also bring you forward.
Last but not least: Celebrate and recognise the small milestones. Every step, no matter how small, can be an important step in the right direction; and many small steps will ultimately bring you a big piece closer to the goal. Sometimes we only see the goal in front of us, which still seems quite far away, while we disregard what a long way we have already travelled.