
Spring Cleaning Tips for Mental Health and Happiness

Every year spring sneaks up on us. And every year we decide to do a little cleaning up and decluttering. But what about decluttering our mental space, our minds, to make our daily lives easier, to feel better? Our mental state - what we consume, read, listen to, watch, who we talk to, and more importantly, where we let our energy flow - directly reflects our level of happiness. Living our best life is always a priority. Not only on Spring.
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What we eat

Free yourself from any temptation by ridding your home of junk food. Consciously choosing a specific, healthy diet means having more energy throughout the day. A plant-based diet can boost your overall cognitive performance and improve your health, longevity and quality of life.

Consciously choosing a specific, healthy diet means having more energy throughout the day. A plant-based, protein-rich diet (chickpeas, tofu, etc.) can boost your overall cognitive performance and improve your quality of life. A study from Harvard Medical School also found that.

By eating fruits and vegetables, we consume plenty of complex carbohydrates, water, and fiber, which helps us feel fuller longer. You won't have to struggle through an early afternoon slump. Try eating a light, fresh and simple meal that will keep you full and give you the perfect amount of energy for the day. Remember, try to avoid sugar and don't eat anything 2-3 hours before bed. And don't forget to drink enough water throughout the day.

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What we read

Leave out books that do not impart wisdom and do not inspire inner growth. Happiness can be learned. For everyone. As bestselling author Neil Pasricha explains in his work "The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything". Light-footed and with the help of many personal anecdotes, he describes his keys to happiness: devotion, awareness, letting go, self-love, allowing changes, a positive basic attitude and living in the now. A valuable resource for those who are seeking advice and have not given up on the journey to personal happiness!

Self-help books are always a great choice for motivation and self-awareness. Here are some of our current favorites:

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What we listen to

Say no to disturbing murder podcasts and yes to frequencies that uplift and soul you. There are many, valuable motivational podcasts that make us feel like we can be the best version of ourselves. Motivation, inspiration, practical knowledge, life hacks and the right impulses for more happiness and health are provided, for example, On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes or The Goof Life Project with new episodes every Monday hosted by Jonathan and Stephanie Fields.

Also, turn off the depressing, sad love songs and instead listen to a playlist that contains only good vibes. Happy music arouses positive emotions, makes us dance and shapes our lives in many ways. But it can do even more: doctors are now finding more and more evidence that music can have a healing effect - not only on the psyche but also on the body. It relieves pain and anxiety, strengthens the immune system, and helps the heart and brain.

John Hopkins University in the USA has also discovered how music can be used to keep the brain young. A groundbreaking discovery in the field of neuroplasticity.


What we watch


Say goodbye to negative TV. If you have trouble sleeping at night or have been experiencing stress, get into something lighthearted. If you want to change the way you feel, opt for a comedy show. And avoid the news late at night or first thing in the morning.

By the way, the subconscious mind also takes thriller or horror movies at face value and can make you dream badly. More to find about about this issue: How Horror Films Affect Our Consciousness.


Who we follow


Don’t be hesitant to press unfollow. Take an inventory of who you follow on social media platforms. Remove the toxic stuff. So this means unfollowing negative or gossipy accounts on social media. Replace them with positive ones! Start following places you want to visit, feel-good news accounts such as @tanksgoodnews, stuff that makes you have faith in humanity, and accounts that have great quotes, because what you see you will start to think about, and then begin to believe. For an account with great affirmations and quotes, follow @thirdeyethoughts.


Who we spend time with 

Some people are convinced they have to earn love. Behind this lies the (often unconscious) conviction: I am not good enough. Yes, you are! Freeing ourselves from negative people and spending time with those who are intelligent, committed and like-minded promotes our growth. Relationships should help, not hurt.

Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Choose friends you are proud of, people you admire, love and respect - people who brighten your day just by being there.

What we should all accept: You cannot control anything but yourself.

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