
Horoscope November 2021 & Time Quality: Embrace your darkness & dance with your shadows

A month in which one's shadows dance around with the zodiac sign Scorpio and the moon eclipse. The dark season is also astrologically influenced by many astro-events in November, but especially by the season of the mystical and mysterious zodiac sign Scorpio, which confronts us all with our own darkness.
furniture person human

Cosmic Roadmap or "What horoscope season is it?" 

Especially if you know about the actual astrological transits, important astrological events, or moon phases, you can adjust yourself and your activities temporally, energetically, and emotionally. You can understand this like a cosmic roadmap or a cosmic weather forecast. This also provides the opportunity to be patient during bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for your business, private life, and personal goals in the best way.


The mysterious Scorpio: Scorpio season from 23. October to 21. November

Already on October 23, the Sun has changed into the mysterious zodiac sign Scorpio. A time that can make visible the mysterious, magical and invisible in our lives. It can also mean that much of what was hidden or in the dark in us, in our relationships, but also in society, comes to light. Because it is also a characteristic of Scorpio to deal with human depth and the abysses, many people have a shyness towards these mysterious zodiac signs. But I would like to promote more understanding for these fascinating people, Scorpio fashion designers include Matthew Williamson, Zac Posen, Roberto Cavalli or Calvin Klein. Because it is not easy to immediately see through the darkest depths of the life of the universe and so much. Also, the zodiac sign of Scorpio has a passion for spirituality, mysticism and the dark. Therefore, it may be that he or she dares a fashion excursion into the world of gothic chic or mystical jewelry or zodiac chains up-levels the outfits. There is so much mysterious beauty of the color black in clothes. Likewise, dark makeup and nail polish are just right now.

Deep Dive into the World of Mysticism
November 4 New Moon in Scorpio Theme: Transformation & Ancestral Magic

The new moon in the sign of Scorpio is carried by transformative, magical, and mysterious vibrations. We may also deeply internalize in the connection to our ancestors and the customs around Halloween: Our life is always in flux and its energetic flow between beginning and end is not linear.

Important for the Monthly Horoscope of all Zodiac Signs, especially their November Horoscope 2021:

Very formative in this New Moon is also the influence of Mars in Scorpio being with the change on 30th October from the sign Libra into Scorpio. It is about the "dark" that we perceive in us and often like to cover up in everyday life.


Tip: Therefore, a preoccupation with spiritual themes, astrology, mysticism and shamanism is very useful in the days around the new moon.
In addition, meditation, journaling or yoga is recommended. And by the way, if you have long been attracted to the magic of tarot cards, this is the best time to enter the magical world of oracle. Oracles can reveal a lot to you about your own shadow themes. There are now such beautiful and modern decks that also make oracle an aesthetic happening.

Holding on to grounding structures

On November 5, love planet Venus moves from adventurous Sagittarius into a more conservative Capricorn. Venus will have a longer stay in this earthy sign because Venus in Capricorn turns retrograde on December 19. With Venus in Capricorn, it's all about more consistency and security in our relationships. Perhaps after the turmoil of the past few months, more calm and a sense of security is returning and we want to hold on and be held on. However, there may also be matters to negotiate or reconsider in the area of finances so that we can plan for the long term. Especially the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn benefit most from the constellation Venus in Capricorn.

Depth of thought and truth speeking

On November 5, communication planet Mercury changes from Libra, the air sign, to the emotional water sign of Scorpio and demands more depth and openness in our ability to talk and communicate our own vulnerability. So we will talk turkey and address sore points more directly.
In Scorpio, Mercury is excellent at analyzing all kinds of processes and problems. Mercury can go to great depths here. Mercury is the planet that influences our thinking and communicating, so it mainly serves our ratio - but as it moves through the water sign Scorpio, our thoughts may mix with our feelings and inspire and call on us to ask questions and get to the bottom of past possibly painful events in our lives, so to look into the depths. Therefore, it is issues such as possessions, money, power, sexuality, pain, illness, death, and fear of change that may be on our minds now. With the Sun, Mars and now Mercury in Scorpio, this reinforces the Scorpio energy of the month all the more.

Revelations, Sense and Sensuality
November 19 Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Theme: Sensuality & Indulgence.

A full moon in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus is an invitation to take loving, sensual care of ourselves while nurturing the people who are important to us.By the way, our attitude toward sensuality and an all-too-strict refrain from indulgence shows us where our self-esteem is in disarray.

Tip: finally treat yourself to a feast without counting calories and style yourself totally sensual again!

This Taurus Full Moon eclipse reminds us that we don't need the validation and compliments of others to be fulfilled. During this powerful eclipse cycle, we are shown that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. The focus is on money, beauty, food, pleasure and relationships. Depending on one's beliefs, we either have plenty of the things we consider valuable, more than enough, or nothing at all.
In astrology, the energy of a lunar eclipse is thought to make a full moon far more unpredictable and the effect of the moon far more powerful. A lunar eclipse can even cause a course correction and major changes and value shifts in life. Eclipses also bring to light our shadows within us, and they can be seen as a good opportunity to confront old, outdated patterns. Equally, however, eclipses can also trigger unexpected revelations and surprises especially in the sign of Taurus with regard to money or finances.


Expanding Horizons

On November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius, illuminating all the areas in which we may once again engage in more free spirit, adventure, growth and expansiveness in our lives. The Sagittarius season can thus be an invitation to move ourselves in new and exciting directions professionally or personally. The zodiac sign is always searching for meaning in life, philosophy and truth. As we expand our horizons, we encounter opportunities and draw people we have not previously considered for our lives. Free-spirited, rich in colors and styles are also the fahion-styles of Sagittarius designers: Jil Sander, Manolo Blahnik, John Galliano, Malene Birger or Gianni Versace.

Open Mindset and Wild Free Spirit: The time quality for Sagittarius in November 2021 is waiting for you

On November 24th Mercury enters Sagittarius and can help us open our minds to new ideas and possibilities. This shift from Scorpio into Sagittarius can help us open our minds more again and expand ideas, thoughts, and solutions, as well as sometimes take wild and completely new paths. This noticeable lighter energy can lead to opportunities opening up for us as we are finally able to expand our horizons a bit more and align with our full potential. Travel, education or a change of career direction can now be considered and successful.


About me
I am Tanja Brock and I call myself a modern astrologer and I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos, astrology to the world in an undusted, modern, and true-to-life way. Through my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver Cosmic Weather reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, and most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" is published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

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