The first "Astro Cards" oracle cards by Tanja Brock
Every month, astrologer Tanja Brock from Munich fascinates thousands of readers with her monthly horoscope exclusively for L'Officiel Austria. Her analyses of time energies and the phases of the moon are always "on point". She imparts this knowledge not only at L'Officiel Austria but also in astrology courses in Munich.
Now she has published her first, artistically designed oracle card deck "Astro Cards" (Königsfurt Urania Verlag). Do you want to draw your own oracle cards for your card spreads at home and want your own free oracle card reading?
This is possible with the help of the enclosed manual. Tanja Brock explains the meanings of the different signs of the zodiac and how you can best use the planetary energies for yourself.
We reached Tanja Brock while she was shooting the new campaign for her oracle cards on the Balearic island of Mallorca. "A place of power" for her, she tells us. We don't need to know her annual horoscope for 2022 - hers is definitely under a special star.
The cards follow a certain system - planets, moon nodes, and zodiac signs. What did you draw inspiration from?
Tanja Brock: "My cards follow the system of horoscope interpretation. Of course, I was inspired by the most important themes of a successful birth chart interpretation. The most important factors such as the 12 signs, the planets, and astrology. Calculation points: Chiron, Lilith, or the lunar nodes, as well as the 12 houses and 5 most important aspects: Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trogon, and Sextile, are available as cards. The respective interpretation is compact and easy to understand in the booklet."
Oracle cards, like those by Rebecca Campbell ("Work your Light") are bestsellers. Have they also done pioneering work?
Tanja Brock: "Yes, of course, the beautiful and modern aesthetics also play a role. This allows oraculars to become designer pieces and takes away the shyness of dusty esotericism with which many still mistakenly associate oracle."
Your oracle cards are always positive, but also have cautionary aspects to rethink one's life and take new paths. What should you take away from reading or drawing and "what to ask oracle cards"?
Tanja Brock: "If you really take the time to dive into the wide world of astrology, you can discover parts of yourself that you didn't know existed and that is so clear and obviously make sense because it helps you understand yourself better. When I went deeper into astrology years ago, also in my training in supervision of psychological astrology, I learned that every human being consists of a multitude of signs, aspects, redeemed and unredeemed parts, planetary energies, and karmic alignments (such as the moon nodes, among others). The cards and their interpretation in the booklet are also designed in such a way that there are also the shadows and sunny sides of the individual zodiac signs, for example.
Your book contains a wealth of knowledge about astrology and planetary energy. How can you use the latter in particular for yourself?
Tanja Brock: "The planets in our horoscope represent the so-called moving part of astrology. They refer to and colour our individual expression in the world, our character, and shape our soul path. They show which qualities of the zodiac are inherent in us. They act like a filter through which the energies of the planets concentrate in us. If we learn to understand these energies, we can also better understand the parts in us and align ourselves more positively and successfully in life. In addition, it is good to better interpret the current transits for oneself, which also shape current events."
How do you use your pack of cards?
Tanja Brock: "There are several possibilities. First of all, of course, to read and interpret the individual combinations from your own horoscope. In addition, to understand special events or transits. But it is also possible to draw situational readings or completely free impulses, as you can also do with the classic tarot."
Coming to peace is not so easy in these times. Is that why it is so important to practice self-care with oracle cards? Tanja Brock: "For me, playing cards and oracles are really like meditation exercises. You can become quiet, follow your own intuition and learn to listen to and follow your own inner voice. I also experience that it makes sense to reactivate one's own creativity and inner power of interpretation before reaching for the booklet. Nowadays we are told so much and I notice how dependent some people are and how overwhelmed they are to find an interpretation. Also because there are so many inner beliefs and thoughts are not free. Everything is right in the Tarot, it is a gentle approach and a rediscovery of one's own inner guidance."
Especially in recent years, there has been a decline in skepticism about spiritual issues in this area, especially among the Gen Z and Millenial generations. How do you see that?
Tanja Brock: "This is clearly due to the crises of the world and also the crises of the church. People want and need to believe in something, in the best case in themselves and their own happiness. For this, it is essential to get to know oneself better! For me, astrology is one of the most beautiful and magical tools of all, which I will never put down again.
Photos: Julie Neiss