Astrology October 2021: Between beauty boost, diplomacy and dance on the volcano
Cosmic Roadmap or "What horoscope season is it?"
Especially if you know about the actual astrological transits, important astrological events, or moon phases, you can adjust yourself and your activities temporally, energetically, and emotionally. You can understand this like a cosmic roadmap or a cosmic weather forecast. This also provides the opportunity to be patient during bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for your business, private life, and personal goals in the best way.
Libra season from 22.September to 22. October
Our quality of time would actually be characterized by harmony and beauty, namely by Sun which is in the relationship sign Libra until October 22, thus the area of relationship and love is probably one of the main themes of this month. Libra is the sign of relationships and mediation, beauty, aesthetics and diplomacy. Libra-born people are mentally much concerned with interpersonal relationships, but this harmony, especially in terms of communication between you and I, is already at the beginning of the month not only because of the retrograde Mercury on the test.
Some real astrological tension:
- The month begins with a conjunction between the Sun and Mars in Libra, occurring between October 7 and 10, and meeting Mercury, which is already retrograde.
- On October 17, the Sun squares Pluto and around the 22nd Mars squares Pluto. Beware of negative feelings such as hatred, or outbursts of anger that could lead to hefty arguments.
- Even though Libra as a zodiac sign stands for peace and harmony, it is hard to come to peace with all the tensions and seething conflicts this month.
Unclear communication and misunderstandings: Since Sept. 27 Mercury Retrograde until Oct. 18.
This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2021. During this retrograde, the cosmos challenges us to think about how we interact with everyone in our lives, including love partners, friends, family, and even our work colleagues, and how we can make our communications more harmonious. During this retrograde phase, it is precisely the areas: Technology, Contracts, Communication that Mercury basically rules and we are now dealing with more sensitive energy.
Conflicts, misunderstandings or disagreements are possible because, so to speak, the level of communication can be very unclear since 27.09. And because especially Libra from the zodiac energy shapes the communication between the you and the I, you can expect misunderstandings especially in partnerships. It is necessary to mobilize all the diplomacy that is in us in this phase, to be attentive and, for example, to check important emails/texts 2x in the job.
Time for self-love and an extensive beauty program
October 6 New Moon in Libra: Beauty and Harmony
A New Moon in Libra is a favorable opportunity for us to create balance between body, mind and spirit. In this energy we may become more aware of our beauty and loveliness and ultimately bring more harmony into our relationships. But the most important relationship is the one with ourselves and this determines the quality of all our connections. Therefore, we may teach ourselves to compliment ourselves sometimes and feel beautiful all around!
Tips: Finally book that long planned facial, buy a new exclusive fragrance, visit a luxurious spa or do an extended beauty program, manicure/pedicure treatments at home. A scented bath or an extensive shower with a nourishing scrub, for example with sea salt, is also a pleasant way to cleanse yourself energetically.
Get to the root of problems: Pluto in Capricorn goes direct on October 6.
Transformation planet Pluto and ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio has been retrograde in Capricorn from April 27 to October 5. This change in energy can cause upheaval and a change or two in our world.
We will be forced to look at the roots of our problems, question them and change accordingly!
Pluto, the planet of the underworld, loves to show us our own shadow issues and if we face them courageously, we can transform them. A good recommendation from now on is to pay more attention to your own recurring patterns or situations.
All the changes we have been working towards in the last few months will gain strength. In addition, now can also be a good time to take a breath and take stock of all the changes in recent months.
The love of adventure: From October 7, Venus moves into the sign Sagittarius.
On October 7, love planet Venus shifts into Sagittarius, finally bringing some optimism and adventure back into our world of love relationships and possibly our finances. A constellation that makes us trust that things in our lives will turn out for the best. Boring routines can almost crush us during this phase, so we feel called to adventure! Trying new things and stepping out of the old, boring routine that especially in relationships and their old routine. Take some time to grow out of the usual comfort zone and curiously discover unknown realms.
Tip: Maybe they surprised themselves or their partner with a surprise short trip or a new erotic fancy idea.
Karma and reality check: Saturn in Aquarius goes direct from October 11
When Saturn goes direct on October 11, we will be forced later this year to look more than ever at how we can build our world on a solid foundation. With Saturn in rebellious Aquarius, perhaps the time is ripe for us to divest ourselves of anything that doesn't really nourish our souls, once we take a realistic look at the current state of our lives.
Perhaps we have used the retrograde since May 2021 to think about karmic soul contracts with other important people in our lives. In the best case, we have answers and ideas to understand the word "destiny" in our life.
Make your wishes come true: from October 18 Jupiter in Aquarius direct
When on October 18 lucky planet Jupiter in Aquarius goes direct, we will again look deeper into our needs, our wishes. This is a powerful time to once again look inwardly at our personal wish list. Deep inside every human being slumbers magical abilities that lie beyond our imagination. The secret of wish fulfillment can be traced back to our creative qualities, because every human being is the creator of his or her own present life situation. If you think about the whole construct, then you will also realize that your own willpower is of utmost importance to develop the abilities to manifest your own wishes and dreams in your own life.
Breathe easy at last: on Oct 18 Mercury Retrograde will be over!
On October 18, Mercury goes direct, and we are sure to experience relief and blockage resolution in the areas that were illuminated during this retrograde period in Libra. But we also must not ignore too much the insights we have gained about the way we communicate and patterns that were shown to us during the retrograde.
And now, as the momentum and drive for negotiation, cooperation, travel, and everything ruled by the communication planet Mercury picks up again, we should and may successfully implement all the projects and ideas we have worked out during this period. But note the full moon and wait a few more days.
Dance on the volcano October 20th - Full moon in Aries: Fire and ambition.
The Aries Full Moon fuels the inner fire of passion for love, success, and career. Baer not only this the building explosive Full Moon energy in Aries can equally cause some conflicts and heated discussions. After all, the (war) planet Mars is the ruler of the sign Aries. Therefore, about 3 days before and 3 days after this Full Moon is not a particularly good time to break new ground. Because before we headlessly want to start again after Mercury Retrograde, we may reconsider our behavior, especially if old volcanoes may still smoke at various construction sites of our own life.
Between light and shadow: The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23rd
The Sun enters the mysterious zodiac sign of Scorpio on October 23rd. A time that can make visible the mysterious, magical and invisible in our lives. This can also mean that from now on, what was hidden or in the dark can come to light. Because it is also a characteristic of Scorpio to deal with human depth and the abysses, many people have a shyness towards these mysterious zodiac signs. But I would like to promote more understanding for these fascinating people, Scorpio fashion designers include Matthew Williamson, Zac Posen, Roberto Cavalli or Calvin Klein. Because it is not easy to immediately see through the darkest depths of life, the universe and so much.
Passion and Radical Decisions: Mars in Scorpio from 30 October on
When Mars moves into Scorpio on October 30, we receive a profound energy that can strengthen our general willpower and fuel deep work. This aspect can also reveal what we may be repressing in our subconscious and what is blocking us from making important decisions. Mars in Scorpio could also bring out frustration and push us to make radical decisions. Make sure you know all the important details and have gathered information before making big life-changing decisions. Mars in Scorpio can also ignite passion in our relationships that may have fallen asleep and bring back the spark of attraction in relationships.
About me
I am Tanja Brock and I call myself a modern astrologer and I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos, astrology to the world in an undusted, modern, and true-to-life way. Through my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver Cosmic Weather reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, and most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" is published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
Photo: Lisa Hantke