Role models: Young Stars are talking about Mental Health
Although many people have to deal with mental health problems in the course of their lives, they are still often a big taboo subject. But there is an increasing number of celebrities who are breaking this taboo and speaking openly about their problems.
When celebrities share their stories with us, it helps to raise awareness and destigmatise mental health in society. In addition, we can learn valuable lessons: for example, how to improve our relationship with ourselves and the importance of seeking help. We can call the following celebrities real "Mental Health Advocates":
1. Selena Gomez
"Our mental health is just as important as our physical health."
There is hardly a star with a greater commitment to mental health issues. Whether in conversation with US President Joe Biden, in her film My Mind and Me or as co-founder of Wondermind, a platform that provides resources to improve mental wellbeing: Selena shows that mental health is a real matter of the heart for her. Selena's message: "I hope you know you're not alone. I believe in getting help. Getting support and educating myself about mental health has changed my life and it can change yours too."
2. Kendall Jenner
"It is so important to love your inner child."
As a mega-successful model, member of the Jenner-Kardashian clan and thanks to a huge social media community, Kendall has an enormous reach. Over the years, she has often spoken about the fact that she regularly suffers from anxiety. In an interview with Jay Shetty (on his podcast "On Purpose" ) she once again spoke about her story and the importance of taking good care of yourself. Kendall's tip: She has a photo of herself as a little girl hanging on her bathroom mirror. This photo reminds her to be loving with herself. She always makes herself aware: every time she thinks or says something negative about herself, she is talking to that little girl who is still a part of her.
3. Meg Donnelly
The young actress Meg Donnelly (High School Musical The Series) has been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks since she was eight years old. She also knows how important it is to share one's feelings and problems with others: "One thing that has helped me a lot is to talk openly about it with other people.
"People go through a lot of things you have no idea about. You think their life is perfect, but they might be going through a similar situation as you."
4. Bella Hadid
"Everything I do in my personal life is literally for the purpose of keeping my mental state afloat."
The 26-year-old makes no secret of the difficulties she repeatedly has with her mental health. She knows depression and anxiety all too well. When Bella can't express how she feels in words, she sometimes sends a photo to her mother or her therapist.
5. Nadine Leopold
"Don't be ashamed."
Also a young Austrian woman joins the ranks of celebrities who openly share their stories with the world. The model suffered from an eating disorder between the ages of 14 and 25 and has published a podcast about it, among other things. "I Choose Me" is the name of the podcast in which she talks about the healing process and the challenges involved. She encourages other girls and women: "Don't be ashamed, there is help and support. You don't have to walk this path alone."
What we can learn from the statements of the stars: no matter whether famous or not, the topic of mental health concerns many people. Therefore, the most important message that Selena & Co. share with us:
You are not alone.
Talking about mental health creates a sense of community and gives hope to those who need it most.