The power of stones: How they work and where should crystals be placed
The teaching about healing stones is already over 6000 years old and was used in ancient India. Also with the Egyptians, Incas and Greeks of antiquity, gemstones played an important role in the further course of human history, and by no means only as jewelry. Nowadays, healing stones have long been more than dusty creations from the esoteric store. Their effect is appreciated and used by healers and astrology experts. And even science has now been able to prove the energies of gemstones - they give strength, security and focus - and much more. Each stone has its unique energies and works differently, depending on its atomic structure. In addition, the structure types, mineral class, formation or color also play a role. The most important healing stones, their effect and meaning here at a glance.
Rock crystal: The mother of all healing stones
An important healing and precious stone is rock crystal. It belongs to the family of quartz. The white stone stands for purity, is said to bring clarity and order, strengthen intuition and promote harmonious vibrations. Rock crystals are also said to have a calming effect on body and mind. Already the Indians put this sacred stone to protect newborns in the cradle, Buddhists used him to be able to connect higher with his help in spiritual practice.
Rose quartz: the stone of love
According to Greek mythology, Eros (god of love) is said to have brought the pink stone to earth - and to this day it is the epitome of love and romance. Thus, the gemstone is said to bring positive energy into relationships and intensify the connection between two people. In addition, the stone has a balancing effect and is said to promote fertility. The healing effect can also alleviate headaches and improve the complexion - which is why this is often used as a face roller. The energy stone transfers its positive vibrations to the skin on contact. It relieves tension and stress in the body, supports the wound healing process for skin irritations & acne and tightens with regular use.
Amethyst: balance & beautiful skin
Amethyst is a specialty in purple, whose beauty goes beyond its appearance. This crystal cleanses the body, head and soul, helping to process bad dreams, cure headaches, tension, eye ailments, as well as skin impurities. It also inspires the mind and imagination while cleansing negative energies in the room. The amethyst should not be missing from any new moon ritual.
Aventurine: More courage & optimism
With the ancient Greeks, it was sewn into the clothes or worn on the heart, nowadays it is because of its healing effect like to hang as a chain around the neck. Who can use a small portion of courage and confidence now and then, the aventurine is a great companion. Especially before exams or in incalculable stressful situations, the green healing stone can be relied on. The gemstone relieves nervousness and ensures a good mood.
Turquoise: Right Here, Right Now
The ancient Egyptians knew how to appreciate it thousands of years ago - the gemstone turquoise. Then as now, however, it is mainly used as a gemstone in necklaces or amulets. However, the rare mineral can do much more: Turquoise is known to keep evil forces and negative energies away and to remain positive and optimistic, especially in difficult times. For those who find it difficult to enjoy the here and now in everyday life, turquoise can be a good support to get into reality. In addition, as a pendant on a necklace, it relieves sore throats and prevents periodontitis in the form of mouthwash.
Lapislazuli: Forever Young
It was already used in jewelry in Mesopotamia several thousand years ago. The blue eyebrows of the mummy mask of Tut-ench-amun, an Egyptian pharaoh from the 14th century BC, were painted with it. Even today, lapis lazuli is one of the most popular stones used to make jewelry. In addition to its decorative properties, blue lapis lazuli supports one's body control, improves responsiveness and prevents calcification and deposits in vessels. In addition, the stone helps to increase optimism and makes it easier to be open to criticism from the outside. Lapis lazuli should be worn close to the body, for example as a pendant, or can also be placed in drinking water for absorption.