This Ritual Helps to Let Go of Old Ballast
With the power of our intention, we can choose to release old emotions and burdensome memories - making space again for what life has to offer in the now.
Letting go to arrive in the here and now
The great spiritual teachers and philosophers speak and write continously about the art of living in the here and now. To be present in the moment that is here now. Much easier said than done! Because the truth is: often it is not only our head that keeps jumping around between past, present and future, but also our heart. If we haven't fully processed past experiences and situations, we often carry the associated emotions around with us for a very long time. Mostly unconsciously. Only when we realise how much memories still stir us up, we also become aware of how much they burden us.
"Always remember that there is only one right time: today, here now."
- Leo Tolstoi
How we best process experiences is a very individual matter. Some people are helped by a conversation with a friend, others may need therapy or start a regular meditation practice to look inwards. Still others gain new insights from reading a great book. There is no right or wrong. The only right path is the one that feels right to you.
But no matter which path we take to grow and evolve personally, the key to real change is our willingness to let go of the old.
A ritual for heart and mind to create space for the new
A simple ritual that encourages self-reflection and at the same time includes a good portion of emotional self-care can support us in doing so. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Find a quiet moment in a place where you won't get interrupted. Then ask yourself the following questions:
- What is currently weighing on my mind?
- What do I want to let go of?
- What am I willing to let go of?
The answers to these questions can be anything: Thoughts, certain emotions, beliefs or memories. Then they take pen and paper and write:
- "I let go of: ..."
Write down an emotion or something else you want to release. Write down as many things as you like. Start again each time with "I let go: ...".
Just writing down everything you want to let go of is already incredibly liberating. However, if you want to go one step further and have the possibility to do so, you can burn the sheet after the ritual (for example outside in a fireproof bowl). Otherwise just throw it away.
"Learn to let go, it's the key to happiness."
- Buddha
In order to be able to write down what we want to let go of, we need to observe carefully what is here right now. By giving our emotions space and by acknowledging them, we give them permission to be transformed and to dissolve. In doing so, we free ourselves, our inner self, and create space for everything in the here and now.
Photos: Shutterstock