Colourful, Organic and Alkaline: Start The New Year With The Alkaline Cure From Basenbox
They don't say "the way to the heart is through the stomach" for nothing. This makes it all more important to pay attention to the nutrients we provide our bodies with. Basenbox has set itself the task of inspiring as many people as possible with the positive effects of alkaline nutrition. Read for yourself what this nutrition programme is all about!
Like many others, have you made a New Year's resolution to eat a healthy and balanced diet? At the same time, you don't want to miss out on anything, be it flavour or quantity? Then let a special kind of nutrition programme convince you. The emphasis is deliberately on nutrition programme and not diet. This was the vision behind the launch of the Viennese Start-Up Basenbox in 2016.
Basenbox - alkaline nutrition for everyday life
Starting with a unique nutrition programme in Vienna, the alkaline cure including delivery, the Basenbox is now THE brand in Austria that stands for alkaline nutrition. The company was an absolute pioneer in the Austrian food retail sector and was able to establish the first organic alkaline supermarket line (excluding SPAR). But it didn't stop there - in 2021, the company made the move to Germany, where the alkaline diet was launched in Munich in autumn 2021 in cooperation with the renowned gourmet caterer Feinkost Käfer. The Basenbox founders (Leopold, Lukas, Albrecht, Philippa) have big plans for the coming years.
Alkaline? - What is that?
All foods leave either acids or bases in our bodies. Fortunately, because they are essential for survival and are managed by our acid-base balance. There are various buffer systems (e.g. lungs, liver, skin, ...) that keep our body in balance. If we eat highly acidic foods (sugar, alcohol, meat, white flour, etc.) over a long period of time, do little exercise and are exposed to constant stress, our buffer systems have to run a marathon every day to balance out this flood of acid. Possible consequences: Weight gain, water retention, cellulite, skin problems, fatigue, headaches and even high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases of civilisation.
An alkaline diet is basically about eating a balanced diet. The focus here is on high-quality vegetables, pulses, seeds, sprouts, nuts and wholegrain cereals. This is because they have a positive effect on our acid-base balance and ensure a higher quality of life. In our fast-paced world, Basenbox has set itself the task of making alkaline nutrition available in a simple way.
Are you acidic?
Acidosis is difficult to measure. The signs of acidosis are much easier to recognise from the symptoms. And for this you have to listen to yourself and read the signals from your own body. Poor sleep, nervousness, allergies, obesity, blemished skin, sluggish digestion and brittle nails can all be signs of chronic acidosis. Headaches, gastrointestinal problems and even a bad mood can also be attributed to hyperacidity. With an alkalising treatment, the acid balance in the body can be brought back into equilibrium and annoying symptoms can be alleviated as a result.
The nutrition programme put to the test
The L'Officiel Austria editorial team consistently tested the alkaline programme over a period of five days. Basenbox was reliably delivered to the door once a day and always contained a fresh dinner for the day of delivery as well as 1x breakfast and 1x lunch for the following day. As far as the appearance of the respective dishes was concerned, there was almost nothing to complain about. The food was always very freshly prepared and presented in all colours of vegetables, just as the vision promises. The first tasting was accompanied by a lot of scepticism. At first glance, an alkaline diet even sounds a little "too healthy", so that little flavour is associated with it. Surprisingly, apart from 1-2 dishes, the alkaline diet was not only very enjoyable in terms of flavour, but also filling in terms of portions - and that throughout the day. Many people are not used to eating three meals a day, let alone preparing them in advance. However, the alkaline diet has proven that the distribution of the three meals is very effective, especially for people with a busy daily routine.
From light porridges and rice pans with rocket to delicious curries and lentil stews - the dishes are extremely versatile and filling. Basenbox is a prime example of how a healthy diet doesn't have to be unpalatable. And you don't have to stick to a restrictive diet to lose weight, for example. On the contrary: an alkalising diet can encourage you to experiment more in the kitchen and arouse curiosity for new dishes or ingredients.
Make sure to check out the website for more infos:
Photos: PR