Lust Instead Of Frustration: Simple Exercises And Tips To Increase Libido
Sometimes it happens that the desire for sex diminishes or disappears completely. It is rarely talked about. And yet more people feel this way than you think. We'll show you some simple exercises and tips to boost your libido!
Libido is the sexual desire - the natural drive - of the human being. A fulfilled sex life not only increases well-being but also positively affects health. It varies from person to person and in the course of our lives it is pretty normal that the desire is sometimes more and sometimes less strong.
While some people have a high libido and lead an active sex life, others have a lower libido and feel less sexual desire. Many factors can influence our desire. These include stress, health problems or the fading of passion through everyday relationships.
People with a low sexual drive more often have thoughts going through their head like: Am I normal? For others, this does not seem to be the case.
Don't worry! YES, it is normal and NO, you are not alone. Sexuality is a topic that is often taboo. And even more so when it doesn't work out or you don't feel like it. Because no one wants to be labelled a wallflower, but it's as natural as going to the toilet or having poppy seeds in your teeth.
If you are seriously concerned about your libido, you should still talk to your gynaecologist or urologist. We have collected a few tips and simple exercises to increase libido.
1. Movement
Regular exercise is not only good for physical fitness but also for our libido. Physical activity promotes blood circulation in the body and thus also in the sexual organs. In addition, physical activity releases the hormone testosterone, which increases sexual desire.
Dancing in particular can help to improve blood circulation in the body and increase sexual desire. Move to the music and let go of your inhibitions. Dance alone or with your partner to engage in a sensual experience. By the way, dancing improves coordination and flexibility, which positively affects your sex life.
2. Relax
Stress and hecticness can lead to a decrease in libido. That's why it's important to take time for relaxation on a regular basis. Relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation not only help to reduce stress but also increase the desire for sex. Two yoga exercises for an improved libido:
The Cobra (Bhujangasana).
The cobra pose is a yoga exercise that increases blood flow in the pelvic area and can increase sexual sensitivity. The core - the so-called torso - is strengthened and the flexibility in the back is improved.
- Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat.
- Place your palms next to your shoulders. Inhale and slowly raise your upper body. The head is an extension of the spine, and the shoulders stay down and do not pull towards the ears. If you have problems with your neck, look forward. Otherwise, you can slowly place your head in the channel and turn your gaze to the ceiling.
- Hold the pose for about 10-15 seconds while continuing to breathe normally.
- Exhale and slowly lower the upper body back down, vertebra by vertebra.
- Repeat the cobra a total of 5-10 times and perform the exercise regularly.
Garland Pose (Malasana)
This exercise strengthens the hips and abdominal muscles. It also increases energy in the pelvic area and libido.
- Start in an upright standing posture and place the feet in a hip-width position.
- Bring the hands together before the torso into a praying posture and slowly go into a deep squat. The weight is evenly distributed on the feet.
- The arms remain in the prayer position. The elbows press on the inner thighs, the chest rises and the shoulders pull back slightly. The back should be kept straight. Let yourself fall deeply into this position.
- Now stay in this posture for 5 deep breaths and feel the grounding effect. Repeat this exercise regularly.
3. Tantric breathing exercises
Tantric breathing exercises are a form of meditation and combine Karmamudra (Buddhist Vajrayana technique) with special breathing techniques for the sexual chakra. The exercise is intended to expand consciousness and activate the energy in the body. The body is supplied with oxygen and the energy circulation is properly stimulated. This has a positive effect not only on the libido but on the entire body.
- Find a quiet place to do the exercise. You should be able to relax completely. So avoid distracting background noises and preferably switch off your phone.
- Sit or lie down comfortably.
- Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose and out through your mouth.
- Imagine your breath flowing through your body and entering your genital areas. Visualise your sexual energy rising through breathing and relaxation.
- Continue to breathe slowly and deeply and focus on the sensations in your body. Continue to feel inside yourself.
- Repeat this exercise daily for 10-15 minutes. The more often you do this exercise, the better you will be able to increase and control your sexual energy.
4. Healthy diet
A balanced and healthy diet is not only good for the body, but can also positively influence the libido. Certain foods such as oysters, chocolate or asparagus can increase sexual desire. Foods with healthy fatty acids also have an effect on our desire. These include fatty fish, olive oil or avocado.
Two natural aphrodisiacs that have been used for centuries as natural stimulants are monk's pepper and maca. Monk's pepper is an ancient medicinal plant. It also helps with menstrual cramps or PMS. But beware: if the dose is too high, the herb has the exact opposite effect on the libido - it then has an anaphrodisiac effect. It is said that nuns and monks used it for this purpose in the past. The maca plant stimulates blood circulation and influences the formation of testosterone and oestrogen. The Incas already used the leaves and roots of the plant as a natural Viagra.
Spicy foods such as chilli peppers or ginger also really get our blood pumping. The spiciness causes the happiness hormone endorphin to be released in our body. This promotes blood flow and gets our circulation going. At the same time, make sure you drink enough fluids, as dehydration can lead to a decrease in libido.
5. Pelvic floor exercises
A pelvic floor is a muscle group responsible for bladder control, bowel movements and also for a strong erection and orgasms. It also supports the internal organs and enables an upright posture. Pelvic floor exercises can help strengthen this muscle area, thereby increasing sexual sensitivity and desire.
- Find the pelvic floor muscles: Imagine you need to stop the flow of urine or contract the anus. The muscles you tense when you do this are your pelvic floor muscles.
- Tense the muscles: Contract the muscles for about 5 seconds and hold the tension. Be careful not to tighten other muscles such as the gluteal muscles. Breathe in and out normally.
- Relax the muscles: Slowly release the tension. Now leave the muscles relaxed for 5 seconds before repeating the exercise another 10-15 times. Do exercise regularly.
6. Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a traditional Indian holistic healing system based on a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit. It places great emphasis on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health through an individual, balanced lifestyle. The 4 pillars of Ayurveda are diet, exercise, regular detoxification and mindfulness of our thoughts and spirit.
Shatavari and Ashwagandha are two herbs used in Ayurveda to increase libido. Shatavari is especially popular for women as a medicinal herb. It is an adaptogenic herb that can balance hormones and is used especially for women as an aphrodisiac and to increase fertility. Shatavari naturally increases sexual energy and desire.
Ashwagandha, also known as "sleeping berry", not only has a positive influence on our libido. It has a calming effect, helps us fall asleep and strengthens the nervous system. It also balances our hormones, which promotes sexual health. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that can increase overall vitality and energy.
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