Move Your Body - 5 Good Reasons to Work Out Today
More exercise not only improves our health, but also makes us happier.
There are still far too many ideas in our society about what a body should look like. Sport and exercise are therefore unfortunately often misunderstood or marketed as something we should do to achieve these body ideals. Yet there are so many other (and better) reasons to exercise!
Exercise can help us to be more focused and have more energy throughout the day. This not only affects our well-being, but also our performance and thus everything we do.
Sport helps to gain mental strength and is good for one's mental health. When we exercise, we can grow beyond our limits and realise that we can do so much more than we might give ourselves credit for.
Another great reason to integrate more exercise into everyday life and one that is often forgotten: Exercise can be so much fun - especially together with others! Just grab a friend and work towards a goal together or try something new.
Happier and more content thanks to sport? Yes, absolutely! We feel happier and more balanced with a regular exercise routine because exercise makes so-called endorphins (happy hormones) flow through our body.
Of course, it is totally legitimate to exercise with the goal of a fitter and firmer body. However, this should not be the only reason we have for wanting to exercise. Exercise can play a crucial role in making us feel better about ourselves from the inside out, and in making us radiate that feeling.
So basically there are no more excuses: Sport and exercise are so valuable for our health and inner well-being - and these aspects of our lives should really be close to our hearts.