Florentina Leitner - A Name To Add In Your Fashion Desk Book
How can you describe a fashion of 2020?
It was an interesting year, no one saw this coming, and the collections which were in the stores were not all reflecting the needs of people during the pandemic. A lot of brands tried to change their system of working and started to believe in making more sustainable, toned down, and pure collections. I am mainly interested in what is happening after the pandemic and if those thoughts are getting carried over in future centuries or if we will have a year of opulence after these hard times.
You are living in between three cities: Vienna, Antwerp, or London - which aesthetic is more close to you?
I just graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, and now I am still in Antwerp, but as I am originally from Austria, I am often there and would consider it as my home. London is the city where my PR agency is based, and this is mainly the reason why most of my shootings and collections are there. I am also visiting London from time to time because of the projects and to present my clothes. I would say that aesthetically-wise, I have a mix of all the places I ever lived and visited. I soaked things up which were happening around me like a sponge.
How would you describe Austrian fashion? And in which direction you think it's going?
I think the scene is growing in a better direction: some very talented brands are based in Austria. Also, Austria is very supportive of new fashion talents, for what I am also very thankful.
Is your own style reflects the clothes you create? Or you prefer to keep yourself simple to leave the room for expression in other ways?
I would say my clothing style is quite eclectic, but sometimes I feel more girly and love to wear my own clothes, and other days I feel more like wearing something more straight-cut and darker. With my last collection, I was trying to bring more dark and mystic pieces in the designs.
Based on your experience, how many fashion designers actually wear their own clothes?
I think it’s important when you are wearing and liking the clothes you make. In the end, you want other people to wear it. And who can present it better than the person behind the brand?
What was your moodboard for this season?
Since the sources of materials have been cut back because of the pandemic, have you tried some new techniques in your latest ideas?
I tried to up-cycle old things and materials as much as possible.
And after the latest occasions, do you believe that online fashion/styling will take over?
Online or offline, fashion is made to be worn. Online platforms are great to promote, but in the end, I would like to see people wear my clothes in real life as well.
When you are making a lookbook for your collection, what is important for you? How do you see the person who can represent your vision?
At the end of the collection, my boyfriend Marnik Boekaerts, who is a great photographer and has shot my last lookbooks together with me, and I were trying to create some magic. We are always coming up together with fitting concepts for the shoot and also casting new and inspiring faces to wear the collection.
And in general, what makes fashion meaningful to people?
When it can connect to emotion. Like it makes you happy when you wear it.
Tell us about studying in Antwerpen. Which impact it has on your vision?
I really enjoyed my time in Antwerp. I met amazing people during my studies here. But now I am ready for a new chapter.
Nowadays, the market is exploding with fresh-graduated fashion designers, what helps you keep yourself on the line and create more and more highlight pieces?
Believing in myself and doing what I love.
When it comes to your taste, which modern young designers you admire?
From upcoming brands, I like the Antwerp based brand Bernadette.
How important, nowadays, social networking, when you are starting your path in the fashion industry?
Social media can help you a lot with visual representation. Nowadays, you can even sell pieces over Instagram. And I think, especially for younger brands, this is a great platform to start up. I personally also met my most important clients through Instagram.
What is the one thing that you would change in the fashion industry?
To do fewer collection drops: focus on two seasons a year, which would end in less production and better quality. I hope...
Are you rather agree with the statement that fashion is a representation of the world's current events or an escape from them?
A mix of both.
What are your plans for the future?
I will launch my brand and see what the future will bring next.