Fast Fashion And The Impact On Our Climate
Producing quickly and cost-effectively to fulfil customer requirements: Fast fashion thrives on this. The latest trends must always be available immediately and for little money.
The world of fashion is always on the move. New trends are constantly being created, appearing seemingly overnight and disappearing just as quickly. This rapid pace has its business model - fast fashion. But what does fast fashion mean and how does it affect our climate?
The definition of fast fashion
Fast fashion is a term that has become increasingly important in recent years. It refers to the manufacture and sale of fashion items that are produced quickly and cheaply to meet the latest trends and changing customer demands. These garments are often inexpensive and available in large quantities. You can already guess that climate-friendly production with good working conditions and fair wages has no place here.
Low wages and environmental sins
The problem with fast fashion lies in its devastating impact on our climate. The production of clothing requires an enormous amount of resources, from water and energy to raw materials such as cotton and polyester. The increased CO₂ emissions, the use of chemicals, and mass production lead to a high environmental impact.
Fast fashion also promotes a throwaway culture. The clothing is cheap and readily available, but the quality is usually poor. If the garment is broken or no longer in vogue, it is simply thrown away - often after just a few wears. These masses of discarded clothing end up in landfill sites. But not in landfills in their own country, no. They are transported abroad (to Chile or Africa, for example), where they form a mound of piles of old clothes in the landscape.
In some countries, the inhabitants buy these old clothes. Not just for the intended purpose, mind you. In Bulgaria, socially disadvantaged people buy clothes and shoes as heating material. This is because the price of discarded fashion is cheaper there than that of wood. Out of necessity, they use these items of clothing to heat their homes. Burning synthetic textiles or rubber soles produces toxic vapours that are very harmful to our health.
The impact on the climate
The impact of fast fashion on the climate is alarming. The production of clothing is responsible for a significant proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. The textile industry generates more emissions than aviation and shipping combined. This contributes to global warming and exacerbates the climate crisis. In 2020, 121 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions were generated by textile products.
In addition, the high water consumption in textile production contributes to the scarcity of water resources. The dyeing and finishing of fabrics require large quantities of water and chemicals, which often end up in rivers and lakes and damage the environment.
What can we do?
As consumers, we have a crucial role to play in tackling these problems. Here are some ways we can do our bit:
- Buy consciously: think twice before you buy an item of clothing. Ask yourself whether you need it and whether it is of high quality. High-quality clothing lasts longer and reduces the need for constant replacement.
- Second-hand and vintage: Consider buying second-hand or vintage clothing. Not only is this more sustainable, but it can also add a unique touch to your style.
- Support sustainable brands: There are a growing number of fashion labels that focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. These brands deserve our support and are helping to change the fashion industry.
- Repair and recycle: If your clothes are damaged, it's worth trying to repair them instead of throwing them away. If clothes are no longer wearable, you can recycle or reuse them, for example by using them as fabrics for DIY projects.
Fast fashion has a significant impact on our climate and the environment. The textile industry faces the challenge of implementing more sustainable practices and consumers must also do their part. The choices we make when buying clothes can have a positive impact on the environment. It is time to change our mindset and together make the fashion industry a more sustainable place.
Photos: Shutterstock