Future Of The Labour Market: New Professions And Trends
The labour market is changing at a rapid pace. New professions and trends are emerging in the wake of advancing digitalisation and the increasing use of artificial intelligence. What does the future look like?
AI, remote or work-life balance - words that have long been integrated into everyday life in the world of work. We are in the midst of the digital age. New technologies are having an impact on previous patterns of consumption and production. Socio-economic activities are increasingly carried out online, geographical location is losing significance.
Those who see constant change as an opportunity can actively shape change processes and take advantage of digitalisation trends. These developments will significantly shape the future of the labour market. The skills of the future are also increasingly in demand in personnel recruitment. Applicants with future skills have better chances in the application process.
Profession: Data Scientist
A profession of the future that is already firmly on the rise today is that of the data scientist. The ability to analyse large amounts of data and draw conclusions from it is important in many industries. Data scientists examine data and its use to make goal-oriented business decisions or to develop new products.
An economic advantage can be created from the newly gained insights. Most often, data scientists work with sophisticated machine learning models, which they use to analyse past trends and draw conclusions about future customer and market conditions.
Data Scientists are also involved with AI. New areas of application are researched and tested. Scientists look for AI-based solutions to individual problems in different industries, such as the medical sector or IT.
Trend: Artificial Intelligence
An important trend in the labour market of the future is the increasing importance of artificial intelligence. Already today, many work processes are supported by AI or even completely taken over. Companies are increasingly relying on AI solutions to automate work processes and increase efficiency. This opens up new opportunities, but also challenges. Some jobs will be eliminated through automation, while others will be created. In the meantime, various tools exist that use artificial intelligence to open up access to creative solutions for different target groups.
ChatGPT is probably the best-known AI tool at the moment. But what is it exactly? It is an artificial intelligence based on OpenAI's GPT 3.5 model that is capable of having human-like conversations. The technology uses Deep Learning to automatically generate answers in the user's respective language based on text input. The technology is characterised by a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, as it learns and develops automatically on the basis of training data.
In order to get the best result out of the AI, "prompt writing" is essential. This skill will be an important competence in the future. Precisely coordinated prompts, i.e. the inputs or instructions for the AI, lead to detailed and appropriate results. Prompt writer is now a profession in its own right. You don't necessarily need programming skills for this, but you certainly need a feeling for text. Constant extensions and new language models require regular adaptation of the inputs.
There is now a wide range of tools that use AI. Platforms that quickly and easily create logos based on design templates and user input or AI-based products in the audio and video sector are not uncommon. In the meantime, videos with realistic-looking and individually adaptable speakers can be quickly and easily created using text-to-speech technology for marketing videos, training courses and the like.
But AI is also increasingly used to support other sectors such as medicine. In medical diagnostics, for example, it is possible to analyse image data and recognise patterns that can be assigned to disease patterns based on existing data and associated diagnoses.
Profession: Chatbot Developer
One example of a profession that has emerged through AI development is that of chatbot developer. Chatbots are being used in more and more companies to improve customer service or automate processes. The chatbot developer is responsible for creating and programming the bots. They deal with text-based dialogue systems that simulate conversations with human users.
In doing so, he takes into account the requirements of the client and is often used as an automated tool by online shops from a wide range of industries and on social media platforms. There are also many new job opportunities with regard to voice control, which is already part of our everyday life with Siri and Alexa.
Trend: 4-day week and home office
The future of the labour market is the increasing flexibilisation of working time and place. More and more people want to work from home or demand new working time models. The widely discussed British study, in which 61 companies with around 2,900 employees tested the 4-day week for 6 months, came to the conclusion that 56 companies found positive effects and would like to keep the model.
Overall, the employees were more rested and motivated. A decrease in the number of days absent was observed. Admittedly, this system can be implemented more easily in some sectors, but only partially or not at all in others. In addition, the question of more staff to cover opening hours and the associated cost-benefit factors also play a major role here.
The pandemic also had a significant impact on more flexibility in the world of work. The home office was introduced and maintained in many companies. There is a growing desire to change existing models. Younger generations in particular are increasingly supporting this process. Increasing pressure, mental stress and the fast pace of life are confronting the work-life balance.
Digitalisation allows us to adapt work models individually, thereby increasing profitability with mental health care and greater motivation. It requires adjusting work organisation and culture and courage to change old structures.
Profession: Virtual Reality Designer
VR technology is constantly developing and is being used in more and more areas. The virtual reality designer is responsible for creating virtual worlds and experiences. His or her field of work includes print media and digital media, games, videos, presentations or entire websites. Typical tasks include optimising computer games, creating 3-D programmes and editing images or videos.
The creativity of the designs and the complexity of the programming are close to each other here. Virtual worlds are already increasingly being used in medical studies. Operations and journeys into the human body are possible virtually. Students can safely improve their practice and feel their way into real situations.
The future of the labour market will therefore be characterised by a multitude of new professions and trends. It is important to adapt to the changes and to continuously educate oneself. Only those who keep their skills and knowledge up to date will be successful in the future.
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