
Nail it: The best tips for beautiful and healthy nails

Beautiful nails are not only important for a well-groomed appearance, but they also reflect our physical health. All the more reason to take care of them.
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Filing, shaping, varnishing: Whether you have your manicure done professionally or do it yourself at home - the right routine is important to avoid damage. Because these are not only unsightly to look at, but can also be painful in the worst case. But nail care has to be learned - both on the fingers and on the toes! That's why we spoke to dermatologist Dr Leila Arfaian. Here are her practical tips for beautiful and healthy nails:

1. Make sure to keep your nails clean and dry at all times. It may sound trite, but this is an important tip. Ideally, take some time once a day to do this. It is worth it!

Tweezerman Dual Nail Brush with two bristles, cleaning brush for hands and nails, EUR 4.95

2. Always cut nails straight! Use sharp nail scissors or nail clippers. Round the nails slightly at the tips for maximum stability. Filing the nails will also keep them in shape and free from cracks.

3. Even though it is common knowledge, you may not think about it in everyday life: Do not bite your fingernails or remove the cuticles! This can damage the nail. Also, never use your nails as a tool, for example to open cans. Instead, get into the habit of using your thumb without using the nail. 4.

4. Cut your toenails regularly! If you keep them short, you minimise the risk of painful injuries. In this context, it is also important to wear shoes that fit well. If they are too small, for example, they cause the foot to bump against the front of the shoe. Besides painful toes, this can also result in a bruise under the nail.

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Luxury manicure and pedicure set by Zwilling, EUR 199.95

5. If your toenails are thick and difficult to cut, soak your feet in warm salt water. Mix a teaspoon of salt with half a litre of water and let your feet soak for five to ten minutes. 6.

6. Always wear flip-flops in the swimming pool and public showers! This way you reduce the risk of infections caused by fungi that can penetrate the toenails.


These are the no-go's you should avoid

Cut cuticles: Even the expert warns against this, and not without reason. Because the cuticle is a particularly sensitive area that you should not (we repeat: never!) tackle with scissors or other sharp objects. Much better: a relaxing water bath and a blunt stick of birch or rosewood to push them back are the better idea. In general, if you are unsure, it is better to let a professional do the job.

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Cuticle sticks made of birch wood by JHC Respect, EUR 3.49

File back and forth instead of in one direction: When filing the nails, always file in one direction only to avoid splintering. This is exactly what happens with typical back and forth filing, which is harmful to the nails. You should also make sure that you use a high-quality file. Products that are too coarse and poorly made can also cause the nail to split.

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Crystal Nail File made of glass by KOH, EUR 27.50

Do not use nail oil: If nails are too dry, they become more prone to uncontrolled breakage. The solution: Oil your fingernails and toenails regularly. Use two to three drops of apricot kernel or almond oil. Simply put the oil in your hands, rub it in and gently massage it into the nails.

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Nail oil with mankettin nut by Susanne Kaufmann, EUR 24


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