Rosemary Oil: The Miracle Elixir For Long, Strong Hair And Lashes
Rosemary oil is all the rage at the moment. It's said to be the miracle cure for fast hair growth and long eyelashes. But what's the story behind it?
There is a real boom in social media around rosemary oil. Instagram and other platforms are full of videos and photos of full hair and long eyelashes. This is because it´s said to be a real growth booster, strengthen the lengths, make the hair grow faster and nourish the scalp. But does it really help?
What is rosemary oil?
Rosemary is often used as a spice in the kitchen. But you can also get an essential oil from the leaves of a rosemary plant by steam distillation. Rosemary is a medicinal plant that has been used as a natural medicine since ancient times. It's particularly popular as an oil in the beauty sector. Either as a pure oil, blended oil or as an additive in skin and hair care products.
Does rosemary oil make hair grow faster?
Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory, circulation-promoting and antibacterial properties. Good blood circulation stimulates the hair follicles and hair roots. This leads to improved absorption of nutrients and thus promotes hair growth and, conversely, reduces hair loss. Incidentally, this also applies to our eyelashes!
Another benefit of using rosemary oil is that it reduces sebum production, which means the hair becomes greasy much more slowly and therefore needs to be washed less often.
How can I use rosemary oil for my hair and eyelashes?
Rosemary oil is an essential oil, so it can cause allergic irritation. It's important to test its compatibility on a small area of skin before use. It's best not to use pure essential oil on eyelashes as it can irritate the eye and cause inflammation.
When buying rosemary oil, it's important to make sure it doesn't contain any unnecessary additives that could irritate the skin. The best choice is a pure essential oil in organic quality (free from pesticides and other plant protection products). You can use it to enhance your skincare products. Alternatively, there are now countless products that contain rosemary oil.
#1 Shampoo with rosemary oil
Take a low-surfactant shampoo without silicones and parabens and mix in 10 drops of rosemary oil. If you want to continue using your usual shampoo, simply add a few drops of rosemary oil. Of course, you can also reinforce your conditioner in the same way.
#2 Hair conditioner with fresh rosemary
Bring half a litre of water to the boil and add two to three sprigs of fresh rosemary. Leave to infuse over a reduced heat for about 15 minutes. Then strain the conditioner through a sieve and leave to cool. You can now rinse your hair with it after washing.
#3 Hair treatment with rosemary oil
Mix 1 tablespoon of rosemary oil with 3 tablespoons of high-quality blended oil (olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil). Massage the hair treatment into the scalp and roots and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. Then wash it out well.
#4 Hair tonic with rosemary oil or fresh rosemary
Mix water with a few drops of rosemary oil in a spray bottle and shake well. You can also use fresh rosemary instead of rosemary oil. Boil some water, add a few sprigs of rosemary and simmer over a low heat for about 15 minutes. Then strain, let the water cool and pour into a spray bottle. You can spray the hair tonic onto your scalp and hair.
#5 Eyelash serum with rosemary oil
Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil in a container. The eyelash serum is best applied in the evening using a clean mascara brush and left to work overnight.
Photos: Shutterstock