What Do Solar Eclipses Mean for Us on an Energetic and Spiritual Level?
Listen to your inner voice - that is how to use the solar eclipse on 14th October for growth and transformation.
Life is always in flow, characterised by continual letting go and receiving. Saying yes to life therefore also means saying yes to change. Change is inevitable. But it is up to us whether we consciously engage in the constant change of life or whether we try to hold on to the past. Significant astrological events always invite us to pause and open ourselves to this change. This week it is the new moon in Libra on 14th October - and the solar eclipse taking place on that day - that call us to look within.
Solar eclipses - moments of change and transformation
On Saturday, the time has come again: the moon will move between the earth and the sun and thus cover a large part of the sun for a moment. In other words: a solar eclipse is imminent! A real highlight for astrology fans. But also one that is quite challenging, because big astrological events like solar eclipses bring strong energetic qualities with them. This can be uncomfortable at times, because change is in the air! But these days also offer us a great opportunity: if we consciously use these energies for ourselves, it can help us to foster inner growth and positive change in our lives. Or in other words: On such days, the cosmos supports us greatly in letting go or in sowing the seeds for what we want to create.
A solar eclipse stands entirely in the name of transformation. We can use this time to consciously leave old ballast behind and open a new chapter in our lives. It is a time when we can set intentions, create visions and focus on everything we want to change and create - right from the heart. Whether you want to bring more love, joy or abundance into your life, the day of the solar eclipse is the perfect moment to spread your hands and shout, "This is what I want to invite into my life!" Solar eclipses always coincide with a new moon. New moons are good times to define goals and intentions. This energy of the new moon is once again amplified by the solar eclipse.
"If you cross a river, you have to leave one side."
- Mahatma Gandhi
The famous Indian philosopher and politician Mahatma Gandhi once said: "If you cross a river, you have to leave one side." This quote is often used as a symbol for the transition from life to death. But this quote can also be interpreted in a completely different way. Because whenever we set out for something new in our lives, we have to leave something else behind. That is the way of things... But even if sometimes there is melancholy associated with letting go, at the same time this also creates the space in our lives for new encounters and experiences, which in turn can lead to deeper fulfilment.
If you are wondering which intentions are best to set: Astrologers can use the Birth Chart to advise people individually on which topics may be particularly relevant at the moment. Most of the time, however, we already have a feeling about it. What theme is present in your life at the moment? In which area of life would you like to start a new chapter or bring an old one to an end? Just listen to your intuition, your inner voice and you will set the right intentions for this powerful astrological event.