
Monthly Horoscope September 2022: Time for Organization and New Beginnings

Everything in us seems to cry out Virgo-energetically for order. Virgo is, after all, the No.1 sign of order - both internally and externally!
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What turbulent chaos weeks are behind, they feel more like years than single weeks... We are now busy unraveling the last pieces of old wounds and patterns, the last threads that hold things together in an old and outdated way. We are leaving the old comfort of known territory and moving into the unknown.

This final unraveling leaves us somewhat puzzled and, in some cases, amazed and confused. We may even feel that there is something wrong with us, that we are not functioning as we are used to. So much we have to let sink in. The good news is despite Mercury's retrograde from 10.09 to 2.10 for the next period is that there is tremendous support from the Virgo quality of time for the major restructuring, re-ordering and re-calibration of our lives in all areas and this includes just the dreaded retrograde which requires time and calm in us so that we can really get ourselves sorted and sorted. It will require courage, feel new, strange, and uncomfortable here and there and we will have doubts from time to time along the way.


>>> Find the monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign for September 2022 at the end of this article. <<<

During Mercury retrograde in September 2022, it is not advised to sign contracts. If so, be careful!

Cosmic Roadmap through the Virgo Time Quality in September

Autumn is coming, nature is already talking about it. And you can also feel it. In all times of change, however, it is nice and important to also have something constant with you or in you.
There is still some time left to touch up what may not have been completed yet. So that one at the end of the year than with itself - and the personal Erträgen of the year, can be really completely satisfied. 

Cosmic roadmap in the month of Virgo

Knowing about astrological transits, important astrological events, or phases of the moon can help you time, energize, and emotionally adjust your activities. You can think of it as a timetable or a cosmic weather report. This also offers the possibility of patiently weathering bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it passes and shows how to make the best use of the current energies for your business, personal life, and personal goals.

Virgo Time: On August 23, the Sun moved into the sign of Virgo. 

Since then, it has been the birthday of all hardworking and industrious Virgos, such as designers Stella McCartney or Tom Ford, among others. This zodiac sign teaches that you get ahead step by step and with patience and diligence. This energy now characterizes September and helps us to be productive and accurate in work and everyday life.

Do you know that we humans are made of stardust? Science has discovered that many atoms do not come from the Milky Way, but from distant galaxies. This also applies to the atoms that make up our bodies.

That this very communication planet Mercury is the ruler of Virgo is often shown by the fact that Virgo-born people, for example, have good negotiating skills, communicate well and meaningfully, and language itself is one of their favorite forms of expression. Organizing and completing their To Do's is often easier for Virgo than Gemini, who is also ruled by Mercury. Because Mercury in Virgo may seem more grounded and structured. However, this in turn gives Virgo a reputation for certain sobriety with emotions and an ascetic endeavor as far as any sensual pleasures like expensive designer clothes, opulent dinners, or any other debauchery are concerned.

Who is afraid of Mercury Retrograde? Mercury retrogrades in Libra on September 10 and becomes direct again on October 2 in Virgo.

What is positive about this transit is that you can have a reorganization and focus on goals, sorting, repositioning, and getting things done that have been left undone.

The horrors of Mercury retrograde that one always witnesses and reads about concern possible technical problems, communication errors, misunderstandings, complications in business and negotiations, or travel problems.

Ideally, this is a time for a (communication) break to review and think about what you have done and achieved in the past months, which you can then see in a new light. Maybe this is also an occasion to refine your own business appearance or to better communicate your needs in a relationship and the family!

It is also a suitable time to close old business, for tax returns, necessary back office work to be done, bookkeeping, fine work, and for this to make a clear plan of the coming tanks and to-dos. One can work well ahead to initiate new ventures, collaborations, and projects when the retrograde cycle is then over.

The Mercury retrograde can therefore also bring about some positive things and often also mean the chance of a correction of the path, with regard to communication and important business. Perhaps my execution will help to make something very positive out of this time and to take the horror out of it.

Of course, one generally hears that with a Mercury retrograde one should not necessarily sign contracts, buy anything, travel, get married or start one's own business. However, it would be really bad and also tragic if one would spend one's own so valuable lifetime behind closed doors because of an astrological interpretation. But in general, one should be more careful in such a time in the above-mentioned areas, because all this falls in the area of the planet Mercury, the communicative and nimble messenger of the gods and ruler of Virgo and Gemini. 

Overall and in conclusion, it is advisable to take the general pace out a bit during Mercury Retrograde - especially when it concerns Libra. Energy and decisions should be well weighed. And to think first and then to talk. And these are all good recommendations for Mercury retrograde, but also somehow for life in general.

Moon: Special events in September 2022

On September 10, 2022, we have a full moon in Pisces with the theme: descend and find peace.

The Full Moon in Pisces can help us step into our full power as conscious beings. The emotional Pisces energy opens our hearts and deepens our spirituality. With this lunar event, we better feel the infinite connections to all beings and energies of the universe. 

The New Moon in Libra on Sept. 25 is a favorable opportunity for us to create a balance between body, mind, and spirit. 

In this energy we may become more aware of our beauty and loveliness, ultimately bringing more harmony to our relationships. 

Virgo energy now makes us organize and plan. This is especially important in such boisterous times to keep a clear head.

Horoscope for all zodiac signs in September 2022


In August, too many social events may have distracted Aries from its own ambitious goals. Now you should focus again before communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in the opposite sign of Libra from September 10 to October 2. Important projects and contracts should be brought into the home stretch until then. From the end of the month, with Venus entering Libra, you may put your own focus more on love and pleasure again. This is because, between the 5th and the 28th, Venus in Virgo will tend to encourage a love of diligent and persistent work. For singles, this means that you may want to meet a partner at work and flirt during your lunch break. 


The Sun and also Venus from 5.09 in Virgo form some positive and favorable energies for those born in Taurus this month. From 13.09 to 15.09 the waning moon is in Taurus. Time in peace and quiet to tidy up one's own four walls and to sort oneself anew. From the 23rd with the change of retrograde Mercury into the sign Virgo, professional activities will bring much more joy to the bulls than before. The important thing now in everything you do is to remain flexible and open to outside inspiration.


You should use the energy and the diligence of the Virgo time for the job sensibly and just above all also the caution, which is peculiar to the Virgo, in order not to make unnecessary mistakes in the retrograde Mercury time and to bring your successes in danger - before communication planet, Mercury becomes the ruling planet of the Gemini in Libra from September 10 to October 2 retrograde. From the 5th, it's Venus' turn to light up the area of your own home. One will feel comfortable where one is in perfect harmony with loved ones. From the 23rd, the Sun in Libra enhances charisma and seductiveness. If you are single, the chances of encounters will be increased. From the 29th with Venus in friendly Libra, couples' bonds are strengthened.


From the 5th, relationships and contacts will be imbued with warmth and affection. As a couple, you will feel closer and more deeply connected to your partner now than ever before. From the 23rd, one's gaze or focus will be even more than it already is on family, home/apartment, or a real estate issue.  From Sept 18 to Sept 20, the waning moon is in Cancer. In what areas can you take out some drama and moodiness? Where is patience needed? 


Unfortunately, Venus leaves the sign, Leo, from September 5, nevertheless, hopefully, you will find a well orderly approach to financial issues now. From the 23rd of September, precise decisions should be made concerning your work-life balance. At the same time, family tensions and conflicts will be solved because one will find the right words at the right time.
From 20.09. to 23.09. the waning moon is in Leo. Time to get really creative again!


It is the month of the virgins: Venus, the Sun, and from September 23, Mercury, the retrograde communications planet, are all in the sign of Virgo. This will be the month for the earth sign Virgo. Therefore, you should ask yourself how and for what you want to use this special time. Venus moves through your sign between the 5th and the 28th and love return to your life. Time for romance and hot flirtations. Hopefully, from the 23rd on, you'll also feel more comfortable financially, and one or two Virgos can expect to win!


With Venus the ruling planet in Virgo, many Libra will feel a bit on the relinquishing side. On the 23, the tide turns and the Sun shifts into the sign Libra, and those born in Libra are beginning to have birthdays!
September 25 is the New Moon in Libra with the underlying themes: Beauty and Harmony. The question now burns: How can you accept yourself more and more as you are? What does it take to finally recognize one's own perfection? Saturn gives Libra extra concentration from September 26 to 30. 


Starting on the 5th, Scorpios will receive the full support of the universe for heart projects in September 2022. Beware, however, you may become extremely picky and fussy from the 23rd with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. From the 29th, Venus in Libra puts you to the test. You may now feel attracted to someone who is not your partner. From Sept. 28 to Sept. 30, the waxing moon is in Scorpio. More composure and patience are needed now.


From September 5 Venus in Virgo gives quite a lot of professional success. Perhaps now you will finally reap the fruits of all your recent efforts. From September 23, a new exciting project could come to Sagittarius. From the 29th, you should meet with friends to expand your network. From Sept. 30 to Oct. 02, the waxing moon is in Sagittarius: In which areas of your own life are more patience and compassion needed? 


From 05. to 09.09. the waning moon is in Capricorn. When was the last time you took a look at your own administration and checked all contracts and tariffs? Maybe there are some things that may be adjusted.  From the 5th, Venus in Virgo will inspire the sign of Capricorn and arouse curiosity. On the 23rd, Mercury returns to the 9th house as it moves into Virgo, which is favorable for learning and travel! On the 23rd, the Sun in Libra will push careers and boost Capricorn ambitions.


From the 5th of September with Venus moving into Virgo, you can expect outside financial support in the best-case scenario. Maybe it is someone who invests in your own know-how or gives a loan.  From the 23rd with Mercury moving into Virgo, you may become more financially independent. A tension between Saturn and Uranus from September 15 to October 23 may cause nervousness and tension. In September it will be important to ground yourself again and again and to take care of order and structure in order not to make unnecessary mistakes and not to put your own successes in danger. 


Between September 5 and 29, Virgo-Venus allows you to make a romantic new start with your partner. Singles could meet a new person this month with whom you will experience a real passion. Starting on the 23rd, the return from Mercury retrograde in relationship house 7 could lead to heated discussions and conflicts with loved ones. Perhaps an argument will also relate to financial issues. From the 29th with Venus in Libra, it's time for reconciliation!
The full moon in your own sign on 10.09 poses the question: In which place can you relax really well? Because it is once again time for rest and more peace in the life of Pisces!


About L'Officiel Austria Astrologer Tanja Brock

I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer and would like to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos, and astrology to the world in an undusted, modern, and true-to-life way. Through my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver Cosmic Weather Reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, and most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "My Moon Journal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

Photo: Sapna Richter


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