Horoscope January 2023: Stop your Anxiety and Calm your Nerves
The new year and January start unusually quiet and slow, after all Mercury and Mars are both still retrograde! Venus changes at the beginning of the month in Aquarius and gives us crazy, creative ideas with which we start the new year. But you may still take time to structure (Capricorn) , before communicating your big dreams and all the wonderful visions. It simply needs a healing moment of preparation before we can tackle important things again.
January begins with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury turned retrograde in Capricorn on Dec. 29, 2022, and will turn direct again in Capricorn on Jan. 18. On Jan. 12, drive planet Mars also turns direct again in the zodiac sign Gemini. This may cause the basic energy for the start of 2023 to become more energetic only from mid-January.
January is a cosmic phase of deceleration and rethinking and restructuring our plans before we can fully implement them.
In January 2023, we experience a Full Moon in Cancer that calls us to self-care and the New Moon in Aquarius that also ushers in Chinese New Year. Uranus in Taurus will also go direct on Jan. 22, and suddenly we'll start to change.
Step by Step through January 2023
It seems with all what we want to start or finish, we need more time than usual to think, to revise things, to correct and to reconsider important things. But it is precisely this Capricorn energy that allows us to set all the course for success already in January, especially professionally, through serious, sometimes strict or pedantic and well-structured work.
The first month of the new year 2022, January is also characterized by Capricorn energy. On December 21, the Sun changed into the sign Capricorn.January begins with Venus in Capricorn retrograde and communication planet Mercury becomes retrograde on January 14 in Aquarius and also changes from 26.01 in Capricorn. On January 24, drive planet Mars also changes to the zodiac sign of Capricorn.
As an animal of the high mountains, Capricorn knows where the weights of life lie - where above and below is. Thus he is not easily dazzled, has everything under control. Nevertheless, the Capricorn should not be pushed so easily into the corner of the "cold soul", because behind his facade waits a profundity that is unparalleled and is also present in the original representation of the zodiac sign. Secondly, he is an absolute workhorse and this makes him - like his earth element "colleagues" Virgo and Taurus - a zodiac sign that can build up a considerable fortune. This is immediately proven by looking at the list of successful entrepreneurs. Business acrobats like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, shipping legend Aristotle Onassis, cosmetics entrepreneur Helena Rubinstein (and her rival Elizabeth Arden) or Hilton founder Conrad Nicholson Hilton were all born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn and have created empires with perseverance and discipline.
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn from 12/29 to 01/18/2013 can make us clash with others when it comes to difficult topics, strictness or speechlessness in communication. An astro constellation that can be very frustrating and possibly block our communication power and channels like emails, whatsapp etc.
Tip: In any case, you should be careful not to be too stubborn to enforce your own point of view.
Pure emotion, the first full moon of the year:
The Cancer Full Moon on January 7, 2023, brings a spotlight straight to the themes of: Family and, Home and Love, Home, Truth, Support, Caring, Relationships, Fears, but also our goals and dreams for 2023.
Perhaps our goal is to put unhealthy relationships behind us once and for all. The element of water is associated with Cancer, so Cancerians often find themselves at the mercy of their emotions because of their sensitivity. If the energy stands strongly in the water element, as to the cancer full moon on January 18, it is sometimes only small things that let our personal feeling barrel almost overflow. Just then we look for the environment of very familiar and beneficial people, because we feel so attacked and sensitive.
The Cancer Full Moon helps us to realize that we have great potential in the new year 2023 and that it is not necessary to take all unhealthy and energy-sapping connections with us into 2022. The energy of the sign Cancer supports our intuition power and introspection of our emotions.
Free wild soul: On January 23 Uranus becomes direct in Taurus.
On August 24, 2022, Uranus the planetary ruler of Aquarius went retrograde in the zodiac sign of Taurus for about 5 months. To understand this planetary energy, you can also look at the freedom-loving sign Aquarius, which the Sun moves into in January anyway. This is a future-oriented free spirit in motion and in constant change. Therefore, you may have felt an urgent need to free yourself from constricting situations in the past 4-5 months, however, caution was really also advised against hasty decisions and rebellious affectations.
Uranus is also known as an explosive renewer, which if you have not provided enough freedom in life, sometimes brings quite brutal changes into your life and turns everything upside down. All the more important it is to integrate the Uranus lesson into your own life and to ask yourself
Where is your own wild free soul?!
When Uranus is direct, we open ourselves up to all kinds of change and transformation. This may mean separating from people and situations that no longer serve our highest good. When Uranus goes direct, the Universe wants us to face what we recognized in the retrograde phase as important transformational issues in our lives. We may tackle major life changes and not shy away from upheavals.
Time for progress and originality: January 20 sign change Sun in Aquarius.
Aquarians are incredibly humorous and a bit crazy somehow different, not for nothing during Aquarius time the carnival begins and represents quite well the Aquarian energy. Aquarians are kind free spirits, small and big rebels, yet great empaths and up for any adventure.
A true Aquarius radiates freedom and is master of verbalizing his feelings intellectually and working creatively. Among them you can find some real visionaries and discoverers like the fashion designers: Christian Dior, Narciso Rodriguez or Patricia Field. Uranus the ruling planet of Aquarians, which is running direct again this month is a spiritual planet and brings to light true individualists in Aquarians.
For global community and networks, the sign Aquarius a represents and at the same time an idea of a good society, in the ideal sense with liberal and progressive thinking.
This quality of time also brings to all other signs of the zodiac much more desire for freedom, visions of the future and the desire for individuality and intellectual contemplation.
January horoscope 2023 for the 12 signs of the zodiac
The January monthly horoscope 2023 for Aries:
The start of the New Year unfortunately feels sluggish. The reason for this is Mercury retrograde, which causes delays and blockages, which the fast Aries don't like at all. You feel winter fatigue and the financial situation does not feel optimal. But Jupiter in Aries until May 16 helps to make the best of the situation anyway. From January 12 with Mars direct in Gemini again, one's notoriety in connection increases and great networks can be built. a solid network of contacts new opportunities. An important project that involves a lot of communication should be tackled from January 12, and also In love, Venus in Aquarius provides meaningful conversations from January 3.
January Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Taurus:
January urges caution. Until January 18 with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn you will feel financial impatience.Everything should be checked well before you enter into a financial or contractual obligation. On Jan. 23, Uranus then direct in Taurus may bring confusion and instability. But the desire to change becomes stronger. The full moon on Jan. 7 in Cancer lets you make an emotional decision that is long overdue. After that, you may feel lighter again.
January Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Gemini:
Mars has been in the sign of Gemini since August 21, this long duration also prolongs happy chances of success and opens up a wide range of possibilities. Until January 12 you should still wait for important projects and decisions from then with the end of Mars retrograde it goes forward again and you may make many clever decisions. Until 12.01. it is also important to avoid accidents. On January 21 with the new moon in friendly Aquarius one experiences a cheerful moon vibes, which give on the one hand again more ease in addition, clarity. The Aquarian mannrgies are also positive for networks and friendships.
January Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Cancer:
Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn might somehow prevent dear Cancerians from making ambitious plans until the 18th. Unfortunately, you now have to pull yourself together and divide your own forces in turn. With business partners and colleagues, unfortunately, there could be conflicts currently. From the 27th of January Venus changes into the friendly Pisces and it may become again more romantic in the life of the cancer-born. On January 7, the full moon in its own sign immerses all Cancerians in harmonious vibes.
January Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Leo:
In January you feel kissed by the muse, what you start is highly creative and you are literally bubbling over with ideas...However, you continue to be at war with Saturn the examiner in Aquarius until March. The lesson is: success will only pay off if it lasts. Venus in Aquarius (3rd to 27th) causes conflicts in relationships. Jupiter in Aries nevertheless provides optimism. One should deal openly and above all tolerantly with the opinions of others, even in the case of disagreements. Unfortunately, the new moon in Aquarius on 21.01. possibly provides for a tangible conflict, which in turn wants to bring clarifying changes.
anuary Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Virgo:
Since Mars moved into Gemini in August 2022, you feel burned out more often. Unfortunately, this will not be easy when this Mars in Gemini goes direct again from January 12. Virgos are always very concerned about their control, but the upcoming phase until March 25 somehow feels very baseless for order-loving Virgos. Fortunately, thanks to the ruler planet Mercury, you also have adaptability, which you need to take advantage of now. Flexibility is now everyone's! Fortunately, Mercury, which is in friendly Capricorn all month, secures income and keeps an eye on expenses. Financially, January could be quite profitable after all. The full moon on July 7 in Cancer provides for hours of intimacy for two or wholesome coziness in the family.
January monthly horoscope 2023 for Libra:
Thanks to Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini you are in the element (air) that makes effective and brings good ideas. Especially when Mars in Gemini goes direct on January 12, you will be able to become active and tackle all plans for a successful year 2023. Also the Aquarius new moon on 21. bundles the own forces. This works above all super for everything what concerns communities. One allies with the partner, the family and like-minded people for the best.
January monthly horoscope 2023 for Scorpio:
The January 2023 Scorpio monthly horoscope reveals in January rather a moment of retreat with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn but all this serves to review one's financial situation and own success goals in 2023. Such a time of preparation and stock-taking is important to put one's plans into action in a meaningful way. From the 23rd, Uranus in Taurus becomes direct again and there also quite a lot of pressure falls off the Scorpios. When Mercury returns to Capricorn from January 18, you can start very successfully in business negotiations.
January monthly horoscope 2023 for Sagittarius:
Mars in Gemini has since August 2022 probably stirred up the closest relationships, possibly also business relationships and possibly you feel like trapped in a hibernation.But in the course of the month especially from January 12 you become more awake and motivated. And also the communication gets going again from the 18th. Suddenly things run like clockwork. Nevertheless, with Mars in the opposite sign of Gemini until March 25, patience is still the order of the day, especially when dealing with others and when you build on networks and contacts. Nevertheless, you can now plan creatively, which can be helpful for the implementation of their own projects.
January monthly horoscope 2023 for Capricorn:
The Capricorn monthly horoscope is of course dominated by Capricorn vibes: the Sun is still in the sign ruled by Saturn until January 20. And until the 18th, Mercury retrograde provides some blockages, Although just restarted the year, you somehow feel your back to the wall and pressured. But that is not a bad thing. The endurance of the Capricorns is legendary, after all. And basically a little more speed and new ways do not hurt for a new successful year. Especially for the full moon on January 7 in the opposite sign Cancer, you should focus on your own needs and self-care,
January Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Aquarius:
Basically, those born in Aquarius do not lack individuality and inner freedom of thought. From the 3rd to the 27th, Venus promotes creative inventiveness and thus no idea can be crazy enough. The new moon of January 21 in your own sign makes you optimistic for new beginnings of all kinds. On professionally or privately - one is rightly cheerful, because from January 20 the Sun changes into the sign Aquarius and all Aquarians have birthday one after the other.
January monthly horoscope 2023 for Pisces:
Mars in Gemini since August 21 unfortunately causes some confrontations. More often you have to discuss,argue since then to defend your opinion and interests. For the peaceful Pisces this is a big challenge. But from January 12 it will be easier, when Mars in Gemini becomes direct again. And with the help of direct-going Mercury in the earth sign Capricorn, you will find good solutions and compromises on January 18. The full moon in Cancer protects the sensitive Pisces with a family and friendly environment.
My name is Tanja Brock and I call myself a modern astrologer and I would like to convey the wisdom of the cosmos, astrology , to the world in a clean, modern and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: www. I regularly deliver cosmic weather reports to tanjabrock.de and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth horoscope, and I offer, among other things, personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, location horoscopes (astrocartography), seminars and training courses. My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
Every month I write a comprehensive horoscope for all zodiac signs for L'Officiel Austria . So that each of us can live in harmony with the current time energy.
In 2022 my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania Verlag.