
Horoscope for 2023: This is how the Year of Mars will effect the Zodiac Signs

2023 the year of Mars will be a year of great astrological changes and new alignments of the cosmos. A year as densely packed with astrological highlights as has rarely been seen, and yet a major year of transition from an astrological perspective.

sphere planet outer space astronomy globe

The energetic shifts in the 2023 horoscope are so fast and short-lived that they are rare. So the collective energy could already feel like a completely new year after March (Saturn moves into Pisces, Pluto into Aquarius). What the so-called Mars year has in store for the 12 zodiac signs is explained by L'Officiel Austria astrologer Tanja Brock in the big annual horoscope 2023.

The big question for astrology is: What will 2023 be like from an astrological point of view?

Every year has an astrological ruler, for 2023 it is Mars. And this planetary energy decisively determines the basic tenor of a calendar year, independent of many other transits and constellations.

The Mars year officially starts with the beginning of the new astrological year at the vernal equinox, when the Sun moves into the sign Aries on 20.03.2023. But it is extremely important to tune into the energy early. The planetary assignment comes from the so-called Centennial Calendar, which is also used to determine the weather. 

Mars is considered a personal planet and directly influences our actions. The energetic planet spends the first time of the year until March in Gemini 2023.


Together with Jupiter in Aries until May 2023, we experience a great time to take the war out of the masculine in all of us, the anger about the current conflicts and the war situation in the world.

Nevertheless, especially in a Mars year, we may learn to fight for ourselves and our concerns but also something greater. 


The energetic shifts in 2023 are so fast and short term, so after March when Saturn moves into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius, the collective energy could already feel very different and like a completely new year. 2023 will be a crazy ride.

Looking back, 2021 and 2022 may have felt like lesson-laden and difficult continuations of 2020, but that's because many of the outer planets e.g. Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces or Saturn in Aquarius were still in the same constellations. 

And the most potent duration aspect Saturn-Uranus square (brought drastic changes out of the nix like Corona, broke up old structures, fuelled rebellion against the old and entrenched and brought about crises and war and was now working in 2022, 2021 and 2020.

The good news is that it has now gradually dissolved in October 2032. 

Since 2020 Saturn, the planet of strictness and rules, had moved into Aquarius. And also in March 2023, it will finally move into the spiritual and boundary-dissolving sign of Pisces. Are we now finally experiencing more humanity and with feeling in our society and for spirituality to bring its own structures and support into society? 

Annual Horoscope 2023: Aries

21 March - 20 April

The Aries Impulse 2023: Believe in your own power!

From January to May, Jupiter in Aries will still accompany you as a great lucky charm. In addition, the yearly ruler Mars will push your power, your health and the Aries-typical ambition enormously from March on. What ambitious goals do you have for 2023?

Supported by focus and concentration, which Saturn in Aquarius gives until the beginning of March, it is advisable to prepare the most important plans and projects beforehand. And with a brief cosmic stopover from March to June from Pluto in Aquarius, Aries power is amplified and many worries and troubles seem to vanish into thin air. In the year of Mars, their ruler planet and with promising constellations, there should be no insurmountable obstacles in 2023 anyway that they would not tackle as a courageous Aries. As personal ruler planet, yearly ruler Mars provides particularly favourable conditions in 2023.


Favourable months are January, March, April and November.


Under good stars almost all year, except Venus in Cancer from 07.05 to 05.06. Mindfulness with Venus retrograde 23.07 to 04.09.


Aries should pay special attention to health and fitness in March and July.

Best Mars phases:

12.01.-25.03. // Mars in Gemini for communication.

20.05.-10.07. // Mars in Leo for love

11/24 - 04/01/2014 // Mars in Sagittarius for courage.

My advice:

Follow your fire and joy!

Keywords for Aries 2023:
Confidence, strength, vision and joy

Annual Horoscope 2023: Taurus

21 April - 20 May

The Taurus Impulse 2023: Redefine your values!

Also in 2023 Uranus ruler planet of rebellious Aquarius as planet of change stands for big changes in the very security-oriented zodiac sign Taurus. Therefore, willy-nilly, you will be thrown out of your comfort zone again and again this year or, in the best case, you empower yourself to leave it in order to broaden your horizons more and more. Perhaps big changes or a trip around the world are on the cards this year?

Although this year the ruler of the year, Jupiter, is replaced by the power planet Mars, lucky planet remains lucky planet. Jupiter moves into the sign of Taurus for twelve months in May and thus ensures abundance, wealth and wish fulfilment. Everything that the Taureans love so much, along with pleasure, luxury, fame and professional success, seems more tangible than usual in 2023. However, due to the tension constellation of Saturn in Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus, it is taught at one point or another to exercise more self-control and discipline so as not to become overly passive right away in the face of Jupiter's abundance.


Favourable months are March, May, July, September and December.


Under good stars with Venus in Pisces from Jan 27 to Feb 20 and in your own sign from Mar 16 to Apr 11, Venus in Leo from Jun 05 to Oct 09 makes for trouble and a prolonged period of frustration.


 Pluto and Neptune give powerful healing energy at the end of July.

Best Mars phases:

25.03.-20.05. // Mars in Cancer for family, home, remodelling.

10.07.-27.08. // Mars in Virgo: assertiveness and support.

My advice:

All things usually only have the value that we ourselves give them!

Keywords for Taurus 2023:
Values, change, abundance and opportunities

Annual Horoscope 2023: Gemini

21 May - 21 June

The Gemini Impulse 2023: Find more joy in yourself again!

In 2023, with Mars in Gemini, you will have some opportunities, especially at the beginning of the year, to powerfully realise your dreams. Everything you have set in motion over the past few years now needs to be refined.

It will be important to network and connect with the right people in 2023. From January to May, Jupiter in Aries will serve as a great lucky charm. Supported by Saturn in Aquarius for efficiency and concentration until early March, it is advisable to implement the most important projects in the first few months. In summer, with Venus in Leo, love happiness, romance and joie de vivre are the order of the day for four months. Saturn in Pisces could be a big challenge for the often chaotic Gemini from March on. Here you need to focus on a clear mindset, order and structure.


Favourable months are January to June and September and October - watch out for Mercury retrogrades.


 Super love opportunities almost all year especially in January, March, April, June, July, September and October.


Take extra good care in March & May. Schedule check-ups from June to November

Best Mars phases:

12.01. - 25.03. // Mars in Gemini (direct) Communication.

20.05. - 10.07. // Mars in Leo for love and courage

27.08. - 12.10. // Mars in Libra for harmony

My advice:

 Live genuine heartfelt joy and childlike playfulness!

Keywords for Gemini 2023:
Fine tuning, spirituality, clarity and efficiency

Annual Horoscope 2023: Cancer

22 June - 22 July 

Cancer Pulse 2023: Real change begins within!

Whether in relationships or materially, in 2023 sensitive Cancerians will feel a strong desire to evolve. You may therefore examine who or what is preventing you from developing this year.  As in previous years, Uranus, the planet of change, will accompany and support you, especially from the end of January to the end of August 2024.

Jupiter moves into Taurus for twelve months in May and before that in Aries provides the impulse to reshape one's life. In Taurus from mid-May, it then provides the necessary self-confidence to take decisive steps. Saturn, from the beginning of March in friendly Pisces, also supports you with a firm belief in yourself. You may follow your own intuition - the secret weapon of the Cancer anyway. Pluto in Capricorn prompts, except for a short period from March to June, to keep looking at old issues that may still be allowed to heal.


Favourable months are January to June and September and October - note Mercury retrogrades.


 Super love opportunities almost all year especially in January, March, April, June, July, September and October.


Take extra good care in March & May. Schedule check-ups from June to November

Best Mars phases:

5.03.-20.05. // Mars in Cancer for family, home, remodelling.

10.07.-27.08. // Mars in Virgo for order and structure

12.10.-24.11. // Mars in Scorpio for deep power and will.

My advice:

Trust your superpower, intuition!

Keywords for Cancer 2023:
Divine Timing, Intuition, Environment and Purification

Annual Horoscope 2023: Leo

23 July - 23 August

The Leo Impulse 2023: Taking happiness into your own hands!

On 8 January the sensitive point Lilith changes into Leo and confronts her with self-doubts that have so far inhibited her from making a grand entrance in public. Big stages, spotlights and lots of applause are possible, but also rebellion within and overcoming the issues of shame and primordial femininity. Until mid-May, with Jupiter in Aries, most Leo's will feel inspired and want to expand their own horizons. Perhaps they will start an exciting further education?

They want to express their goals and realise them. From 16 May, with Jupiter in Taurus, the Lions have to prove how concretely this works. In addition, from this time on you should practise a little more modesty and humility, not so easy for the magnanimous Lions. Annual ruler Mars will really push them in favourable phases in 2023 and, especially with Venus in Leo in the summer, will gift them with a whole four months of love, passion and romance.


Good successes in March, June, August, October and November.


You are the lucky one in love in 2023! Positive for a long phase March to October with Venus in your sign. Please stay realistic during Venus retrograde from 23/07 to 04/09.


Look out for favourable Mars phases from May to August, as self-healing powers are especially activated by Lilith and Chiron.

Best Mars phases:

12.01. - 25.03. // Mars in Gemini for communication.

20.05. - 10.07. // Mars in Leo for love

27.08. - 12.10. // Mars in Libra for networking

11/24 - 01/04/2014 // Mars in Sagittarius for travel.

My advice:

 Bring your creative ideas into the world and realise them!

Keywords for Leo 2023:
Visibility, Love, Horizon and Manifestation

Annual Horoscope 2023: Virgo

24 August - 23 September

The Virgo Impulse 2023: Those who can combine their forces are clever!

It may be that your seemingly controlled life and (blind) trust, in fellow humans, will be shaken by Saturn's entry into your opposite sign Pisces from the beginning of March. But you already know this confusion because of the long phase of Neptune in Pisces since 2011/2012. All this serves Virgos to keep an eye on their own strengths in all this workaholic activity. In 2023, it will be important to accept that for your own happiness, you should sometimes leave one or the other comfort zone. How far can you leave your perfectionism out of it for once?

Until May 16, you will hardly experience any effect from the supposed lucky planet Jupiter, which also seems rather neutral for you in Aries. The change into friendly Taurus accelerates the shower of luck with financial success, abundance, love and family happiness. In 2023, inspiring people are bustling about in your professional network and personal life, you just have to reach out to them.


Favourable months are February, April, July, September and December.


Critical with Venus in Pisces from Jan 27 to Feb 20. Sensual days from Mar 16 to Apr 11 due to Venus in Taurus. Quite a lot of love and charisma is given by Venus in its own sign from 09 Oct - 08 Nov and the passion lasts until the end of the year.


Until 12.01. with Mars retrograde in Gemini, Virgos should take extra good care of their nerves. Provide them with rest breaks and chosen idleness and silence throughout the year.

Best Mars phases:

25.03. - 20.05. // Mars in Cancer: family and cohesion.

10.07. - 27.08. // Mars in Virgo: assertiveness in professional matters

Oct 12 - Nov 24 // Mars in Scorpio: self-empowerment and self-efficacy.

My advice:

There is power in calmness! You just have to allow yourself to be calm!

Keywords for Virgo 2023:
Strength management, regeneration, family and trust

Annual Horoscope 2023: Libra

24 September - 23 October

Libra Impulse 2023: Your diplomacy becomes a secret weapon in the Mars year 2023!

Such a Mars year sounds extremely stressful for the peaceful Libra at first. However, it is precisely this year theme with Mars and favourable Mars phases that should strengthen them above all in their own self-confidence. Right at the beginning of the year, with Mars in friendly Gemini, they will be able to start off confidently without thinking too long or even giving room to their self-doubt. Who and what do they want to confidently set more boundaries for in 2023?

In 2023, it will be important to use their own communication skills for teamwork and meaningful cooperation. These are encouraged from January to mid-May, by Jupiter in opposite Aries. Saturn in Aquarius gives the necessary stamina and self-confidence to stay on one's own line until the beginning of March. As a reward, a summer full of love and joy beckons thanks to Venus in Leo. 


Favourable months are January to June. It is best to use the first half of the year in particular to implement concrete projects.


Almost the whole year in love luck, especially in January to April, June to August and December.


Nature, sports and plenty of fresh oxygen. In April and at the end of July, be sure to strengthen the immune system.

Best Mars phases:

12.01. - 25.03. // Mars in Gemini for communication.

20.05. - 10.07. // Mars in Leo for courage and ambition

27.08. - 12.10. // Mars in Libra for harmony and flow.

My advice:

Learn to love your own positive qualities and give yourself compliments!

Keywords for Libra 2023:
Diplomacy, self-confidence, teamwork and romance

Annual Horoscope 2023: Scorpio

24 October - 23 November

The Scorpio Impulse 2023: With a little more patience and no pressure, great happiness will succeed!

You may feel a great blockage and heaviness since December 2020. This is due to Saturn in Aquarius, which may be preventing the Scorpio zodiac sign from taking important steps forward. With Saturn moving into friendly Pisces in early March, you may finally notice some relief in 2023

Even though Jupiter moves into opposite Taurus from May, there is a basic tension, but this will bring you forward in business, especially with ambition, and also promises financial blessings. Everything succeeds in 2023 by putting less pressure on yourself. However, this will be especially challenging when Pluto shifts into Aquarius from 23 March to 11 June, forming a renewed tension. As in previous years, Uranus in Taurus, planet of change, demands great change and transformation. You have to keep letting go, especially the pressure you keep putting on yourself.


The whole year is peppered with great opportunities for success, as long as you take care of your own power and install inner stability.


The year starts positively with Venus in Pisces from 27.01. to 20.02. Other especially good times for love: 07.05. - 15.06. with Venus in Cancer and from 04.12. to 29.12. in your own sign. Unfortunately, the long Venus phase in Leo in summer tends to cause frustration.


Brief weakness in March, June and November. Please always ensure sufficient fluid intake (water, teas).

Best Mars phases:

25.03.-20.05. // Mars in Cancer for decisions and reshaping.

10.07.-27.08. // Mars in Virgo for goal-oriented work

12.10.-24.11. // Mars in Scorpio for real power, also physical.

My advice:

Everything in life has its rhythm and its natural time!

Keywords for Scorpio 2023:
Patience, self-love, mindfulness and success

Annual Horoscope 2023: Sagittarius

23 November - 21 December

Sagittarius Impulse 2023: You can always save yourself with calm and humour!

Fortunately, ruler planet Jupiter and yearly ruler 2022 accompanies Sagittarius until mid-May in the friendly fire sign Aries into the Mars year. You can start the new year with an optimistic mood. And the good news for 2023 is that everything is possible: a love comeback, profits, professional successes or an addition to the family.

However, adventurous Sagittarius-born people might get bored from mid-May or even dream of escaping their usual life and its routines. Fortunately, Saturn in Aquarius until March helps them not to lose their grip through too much adventurousness. From March on, Saturn in Pisces basically demands a much greater sense of responsibility and clarity. Some important issues will certainly come under scrutiny in 2023. Yearly ruler Mars will support you favourable phases in this and Venus in friendly Leo gives a whole four months of love and passion in summer.


Good successes in January, March, August and November.


Positive except for late January to late February with Venus in Pisces and April to May with Venus in Gemini. This is compensated by 4 months of luck with Venus in Leo in summer. Venus then shifts into Sagittarius on 12/29-23.


. Plenty of sleep and holistic medicine can support your nervous system.

Best Mars phases:

05/20 - 07/10 // Mars in Leo for ambition and strength.

27.08. - 12.10. // Mars in Libra for lightness

11/24 - 01/04/2014 // Mars in Sagittarius for dream realisation.

My advice:

The better rested you are, the better you can concentrate!

Keywords for Sagittarius 2023: 
Confidence, good nerves, clarity and passion

Annual Horoscope 2023: Capricorn

 21 December - 20 November

Capricorn Impulse 2023: A functioning mind is worth its weight in gold, but being able to listen to your heart is priceless!

Mars in 2023 makes ambitious Capricorns even more powerful and determined. Jupiter in Aries literally heats up the Capricorns to great leaps in business or private life even until mid-May 2023. You have never seen Capricorns as combative as they are. Then Jupiter moves into the friendly sign Taurus for twelve months in May and Capricorns become more passive and are allowed to do less and receive more. You have earned and worked hard for a little more rest and relaxation anyway. A long 15-year transformation phase through Pluto in Capricorn will enter its final phase when Pluto moves into Aquarius at the beginning of March until June. Take a look inside: What profound experiences have you had in the past 15 years?

From the beginning of March you gain empathy and receive powerful support from a spiritual point of view, as your ruling planet Saturn shifts into sensitive Pisces.  Uranus in Taurus, as the planet of change is still favourable until 2025. You may also leave familiar paths and reinvent yourself in 2023.


Favourable months are February to April and October.


The year starts romantically with Venus in Pisces from Jan 27 to Feb 20 and favourably from Mar 16 to Apr 11 in Taurus. Equally fortunate with Venus in Virgo from 09 Oct to 08 Nov and in Scorpio from 04 Dec to 29 Dec.


Chiron in Aries builds tension and requires you to keep activating your own self-healing powers throughout the year.
Best Mars phases:

10.07.-27.08. // Mars in Virgo: creativity and order.

12.10.-24.11. // Mars in Scorpio: assertiveness.

My advice:

The more you trust in things you can't see with the naked eye, the happier you will be!

Keywords for Capricorn 2023:
Ambition, intuition, pride and relief

Annual Horoscope 2023: Aquarius

 21 January - 19 February

Aquarius Impulse 2023: Your enthusiasm is infectious and inspiring!

In 2023, you'll be gifted some promising opportunities both by Mars as ruler of the year in general and at the beginning of the year in Gemini right away. Jupiter is in Aries until mid-May and provides you with cosmic gifts, lucky coincidences, wins and opportunities for success. From mid-May, with Jupiter in Taurus forming a tension with your sign, you feel chosen by luck and called to achieve great things.

You will be in a good mood due to Uranus in Taurus and many new ideas will bubble up. Please be careful not to take too many risks. You will experience a great moment of breathing space when the strict examiner planet Saturn leaves your sign in March. This is a small foretaste of "your time", the legendary Aquarian Age. You'll get a lot of willpower between March 23 and June 11 with Pluto in your sign.


From 11.02. to 02.03. communication is fabulous with Mercury in your sign. Favourable months are also May, September, November and December.


Super love chances almost all year round and lots of momentum and changes possible for singles and couples in the period from July to October.


From March, after Saturn transit, agility and vitality returns. An ideal year to improve your health and fitness.

Best Mars phases:

12.01. - 25.03. // Mars in Gemini (direct) Communication.

27.08. - 12.10. // Mars in Libra for success

11/24 - 01/04/2014 // Mars in Sagittarius for purposeful power.

My advice:

A healthier lifestyle would provide them with even more power to implement all the great ideas.

Keywords for Aquarius 2023: 

Enthusiasm, ideas, realism and self-confidence

Annual Horoscope 2023: Pisces

 20 February - 20 March

The Pisces Impulse 2023: With more calmness and concentration they will become successful!

In the Mars year 2023, sensitive Pisces will benefit from a good mix of rest and power phases. Uranus in Taurus, planet of change, continues to support the Pisces-born until the end of August 2024 to bring important changes into their lives. Jupiter moves into Taurus for twelve months in May, gifting great ideas and opportunities.

Beware: in 2023, Pisces swims under the scrutinising gaze of Saturn, which is in its own sign from early March. He demands much more structure and concentration and wants them to stick to projects they have started. Even if it may sound hard: This cosmic testing situation serves inner maturity and promotes self-confidence. Pluto in Capricorn also calls for repressed issues to be addressed again until 2024.


Favourable months are February, March, June, October and November.


Very favourable at the start of the year with Venus in Pisces from 27 Jan to 20 Feb. Saturn also tests their relationships for substance from March.


It will be important to strengthen one's immune system because otherwise it will become a bit more vulnerable in 2023.

Best Mars phases:

25.03.-20.05. // Mars in Cancer for intuitive action and power.

12.10.-24.11. // Mars in Scorpio for deep power and strength.

My advice:

Trust is good, control is better!

Keywords for Pisces 2023:
 Maturity, concentration, perseverance and change

smile head face happy person woman adult female dimples portrait
Über mich:

I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom of the cosmos, astrology, to the world in an undusted, modern and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver cosmic weather reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, location horoscopes (astrocartography), seminars and trainings, among other things. My first book "Mein Mondjournal" is published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

For L'Officiel Austria I write a comprehensive horoscope for all zodiac signs every month. So that each of us can live in harmony with the current energy of the times.

In 2022 my Astro Cards are published by Königsfurt Urania Verlag.


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