The collective art of CANVAS
The combination of gin and art seems somewhat far-fetched, but not for Bombay Sapphire . They love to challenge, to stir creativity , create noise and above all art. You can also see that at the distillery in Laverstoke Mill in Hampshire. It looks more like a glass architectural work than a part of a factory. The idea of putting twelve artists and artists in one empty and blank space and giving them the assignment to transform an empty canvas into a living work of art, is not so far-fetched and certainly special. And everything could be used: ceiling, floor, walls and furniture. Last July this artwork was created in the London district of Shoreditch. The name of the complete project as well as the space was a logical one: Canvas . With this expression Bombay Sapphire wanted to present a fully interactive experience and a celebration of international cocktail creativity. That has succeeded.
Among the twelve artists, both emerging and established, was the Dutch Rutger de Vries. His works of art are all as unique as they are special. Briefly explained: Rutger fills fire extinguishers with paint and sprays that, sometimes directly, sometimes through a kind of mold with holes, on walls, canvases or other surfaces. Sometimes he even shoots with an air rifle on a spray can filled with paint. Very special and above all very colorful. Before he ended up in fire extinguishers, Rutger already experimented with plant sprays filled with paint. For Canvas he decided to take over four square pillars in space. At the top, around the pillars, he hung a square of tubes in which he drilled numerous holes. He then connected a fire extinguisher and then only one push of a button was needed to create a work of art.
On the photo: a tasty still life with Bombay Sapphire in the lead
How his works ultimately come to see is never certain. The air, the space, the surface, the pressure of the extinguisher: Rutger never has the final result under control. "No work is the same. That is crazy and sometimes frustrating, but I learn a lot from this way of working ', he explains. 'The perfect work does not exist, but that is not what I strive for. Every work is unique. '
Using the right colors is essential and Rutger mixes his paint colors himself, always from primary or secondary colors. 'I want to make art that evokes a certain emotion in people. I am not a performer myself: I am introvert and do not have to be in the foreground. I'd rather let my art speak for me. " But an uncontrolled end result nevertheless produces tension. 'You can direct everything in advance, but it does not look like it. I find that fascinating. I find boring through an "easy" way of making art. There is something that is not entirely perfect for each of my works and that keeps me sharp. The surprise element plays a major role in this. ' The Canvas- idea can now also be seen in Amsterdam. In a pop-up by Bombay Sapphire , the artists Arjan Boeve from Brandglass and Selwyn Senatori were allowed to make their own 'canvas'. You can view these - and of course drink a G & T - on the Prinsengracht 715. Cheers !
On the photo: the spray can art of Rutger de Vries, which took care of eight pillars.
The final result of Canvas Amsterdam can be seen from 11 to 13 October . Go along & stir your creativity !