The Coat by Katya Silchenko Lending a Helping Hand to Ukrainian Women
The Coat by Katya Silchenko has always mentioned that it is a Ukrainian brand about women with strong positions and femininity at the same time. Unfortunately, today real women in Ukraine are women who face the war.
Thousands of civilians are dying every day. Millions of people have lost their homes and fled across borders because of hostilities in Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian women have lost their homes and their loved ones. Now they need support more than ever.
By purchasing a pair of shoes from the collaboration, people will wear not only the most comfortable shoes in their lives, but they will also lend a helping hand to the Ukrainian women during wartime. The bright elements in the Ukrainian national colors will help to speak loud and clear about the war in Ukraine across the fashion world. The proceeds will be forwarded directly to Ukrainian women with difficult financial situations.
Pictures: PR