Constantly Caring: Influencer Karin Teigl donates the proceeds of her charity boxes
At the moment we are becoming more aware than ever that everyone who has a roof over their head, knows a partner at their side or simply has a mobile phone with which contact with family and friends can be maintained is very privileged - because unfortunately there are also quite a lot of people, such as homeless or needy people, who in this situation are even more lacking in every nook and cranny than they already are. Fortunately, there are great aid organisations like Caritas Austria, which take care of people who have not been so lucky in life.
To make her contribution, the influencer from Salzburg has created charity boxes called "Constantly Strong", "Constantly Caring" and "Constantly Cooking". Included in them: Products of Austrian companies. This is intended to support local companies, the net proceeds go to charitable institutions.
Three different charity boxes can be purchased on Constantly K for 69 euros. The T-shirt can be ordered separately.