Monthly Horoscope October 2022: Through the Golden Autumn with Assertion and Diplomacy
We have arrived in the golden autumn. Our quality of time is actually characterized by harmony and beauty, namely by the Sun and Venus, which is in the relationship sign Libra until 10/22. Therefore, the area of relationship and love is probably one of the main themes of the month of October. The zodiac sign Libra is the sign of relationships and mediation, beaurocracy, aesthetics and diplomacy. Libra-born people are mentally occupied a lot with interpersonal relationships.
We may even have to make important decisions. Fortunately, from an astrological point of view, the last two weeks of October will be more relaxed and for those who have done their inner homework, very good opportunities may open up.
Love and the life of others since September 23 Sun in Libra
People with the zodiac sign Libra just usually try to do justice to the other people around them and diplomatically mediate, they are especially suitable for counseling, pastoral and psychological tasks.
Libra are able to speak truths skillfully and empathetically without hurting. Sometimes, however, the content of a statement is sacrificed to a too nice form, i.e. one packages something too nicely, because one sacrifices oneself and one's own opinion to the love of diplomacy). The difficulty that a Libra often experiences in its life is to take a clear stance and make clear decisions, to distinguish itself from others, because the Libra perceives itself through the relationship to the "you".
You can't develop a really strong "I" if you constantly avoid conflicts and tend to be too conformist. A Libra loves balanced thinking and is usually therefore very friendly, charming and popular. Libra, like its astrological symbol, is known to strive for balance, harmony and possesses an extremely fine sense of aesthetics as demonstrated by Libra designers: Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan or Sergio Rossi.
It is important for Libra-born people to pay attention to their own needs as well, to look at them and lovingly accept them as part of their ego! The core theme of Libra and just our of the quality of time we experience with the Sun in Libra is: love and relationship. Which is certainly good for the private life, after we were in the Virgo time in September but mostly very focused on work and everyday life.
But there is also more relief in sight. Not only by Mercury going direct from October 2, but also by Pluto, planet of transformation from October 8, and Saturn, planet of austerity, going direct again from October 23. So hopefully by the end of the month one blockage after another that seemed insurmountable can finally be resolved.
Breathe easy at last: on October 18 Mercury Retrograde will be over!
Right at the beginning of the month on October 2, Mercury in Virgo goes direct again and for sure we will experience relief and blockage solutions in the areas that were illuminated during this retrograde period. But we also can't ignore too much the insights we've gained about the way we communicate and patterns that were shown to us during the retrograde.
And now that the momentum and drive for negotiation, cooperation, travel, and everything ruled by the communication planet Mercury is picking up again, we should and may successfully implement all the projects and ideas we have worked out during this period. But note the full moon on October 9 and wait a few more days.
But this harmony especially concerning the communication between the you and I was not only put to the test in September because of Mercury retrograde. Then from October 11 to 29 Mercury in Libra improves communication, relationships and commerce even extra on top. In October we may and must always remember the fine diplomacy, the Libra energy through the quality in the Sun, when things seem to get a bit dicey and conflictual.
On October 9, we can expect an astrological volcanic rite: an intense Full Moon in the fiery sign of Aries.
The Aries Full Moon fuels the inner fire of passion for love, success and career. But not only this the building explosive Full Moon energy in Aries can equally cause some conflicts and heated discussions. After all, the (war) planet Mars is the ruler of the sign Aries. Therefore, about 3 days before and 3 days after this Full Moon is not a particularly good time to break new ground. Because before we headless want to start again after the Mercury Retrograde, we may reconsider our behavior, especially if old volcanoes may still smoke at various construction sites of our own life.
But as also a profound new moon in Scorpio on October 25, which favors a karmic new beginning, however, only if, when we become aware of our shadows, even more triggered by a partial solar eclipse.
Get to the root of problems: Pluto in Capricorn goes direct on October 8.
Transformation planet Pluto and ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio is retrograde in Capricorn from April 29 to October 8. This change in energy can cause upheaval and a change or two in our world. We will be forced to look at the roots of our problems, question them, and change accordingly! Pluto, the planet of the underworld, loves to show us our own shadow issues and if we face them courageously, we can transform them. A good recommendation is to pay more attention to your own recurring patterns or situations from now on. All the changes we have been working towards in the last few months will gain strength. In addition, now can also be a good time to take a breath and take stock of all the changes in recent months.
The Sun enters the mysterious zodiac sign of Scorpio on October 23. A time that can make visible the mysterious, magical and invisible in our lives. This can equally mean that from now on what was hidden or in the dark can come to light. Because it is also a characteristic of Scorpio to deal with human depth and the abysses, many people have a shyness towards these mysterious zodiac signs. But I would like to promote here more understanding for these fascinating people, Scorpio fashion designers include Matthew Williamson, Zac Posen, Roberto Cavalli or Calvin Klein. For it is not easy to immediately see through the darkest depths of life, the universe and so much.
In October, especially the air and fire signs continue to be supported and motivated by Jupiter in Aries (still until 10/28/22), which is still favorably conjunct Mars in Gemini.
Due to its retrograde, Jupiter returns for a brief stay in Pisces beginning Oct. 29.
For the water and earth signs, it probably doesn't feel easier until the end of October, partly because of year ruler Jupiter. Also since then Venus and the Sun change to Scorpio on October 23. To bridge the time until then, you may be inspired and motivated, perhaps by a Libra, an Aries or a Gemini in your life?!
The 12 signs of the zodiac in October:
On October 9, there is a full moon in your own sign. Beware of emotional outbursts and conflicts! Rather, you should polish your own successes now. From the 11th of October with Mercury in the opposite sign Libra you should anyway focus on relationships However, beware of exuberance on the 12th of October! If you are in love, you should show your serious intentions in a relationship on October 14. On the 23rd, you should give yourself some time to think before making any decisions.
From the 28th Jupiter leaves your own sign Aries. Now you have to do more for your own happiness again or take a well-deserved rest.
A clear head and calmness is important when Mercury turns direct again from October 2 and important decisions have to be made. From the 14th, ruler planet Venus supports finding clarity in relationship issues. From the 22nd, the Scorpio Sun makes you more intuitive and you feel very charismatic when dealing with others.
Spot on the beauty: Venus in Libra since 29.09 gets the twins incredibly well. Likewise the love life and finances! With Mercury in Libra between the 11th and 29th, Gemini will become even more mentally engaged
intellectually in the multiple relationships whether private or professional.
Venus and Sun in Scorpio from the 23rd provide additional ambition
so that many goals can be reached.
Cancerians were born in the last weeks and months
have been tested by the universe a lot in communication related to family, home and home. If Cancerians are currently desperate for solutions and compromises, the end of the month forms a light at the end of the tunnel. Starting on the 23rd, three planets bring light to the darkness: direct-running Saturn, the Sun, and Venus in Scorpio!
Around the 11th Mercury in Libra will support the Leo to communicate more clearly and better and especially to present their own ideas to an audience.
own ideas to an audience. From the 23. October
the Sun will focus on your family life. From October 28th Jupiter in Pisces favors
favors all financial plans.
Until the 11th you should successfully close a deal with a lot of concentration.
From the 23rd with the Sun moving into Scorpio, the pace and mood will change. You want to change something and improve your life.
From the 28th, Jupiter in Pisces directs attention to interpersonal and love.
Between the 11th and 29th
Libra-born will think and communicate more clearly and thoughtfully, thanks to Mercury in their sign. Many questions and problems can be clarified during this time. Emotional issues then come to the fore from the 23rd with the Sun and Venus moving into Scorpio. From the 28th, with Jupiter in Pisces, you may even be thinking about a major career change.
Especially the end of the month is important for Scorpios: between the 11th and 29th Mercury in Libra could create conflicts within the family. Truthful and diplomatic communication is needed now. Then, from the 23rd, Venus and the Sun meet in Scorpio's own sign. This constellation is wonderful for love. On October 25, you may visualize to the new moon in your own sign. Another happy ending: on the 28th, Jupiter returns to the realm of hobbies, creativity and joy! Mars in Gemini turns retrograde from the 30th and could invite Scorpios to take more regeneration breaks!
From October 11, Mercury Mercury in Libra will provide momentum and beautiful encounters. You may also once again concentrate on your own social life and friendships. From the 23rd of October with the change of the Sun into Scorpio one is then also rather again on retreat poled. From the 28th Jupiter in Pisces strengthens and favors family life!
October makes Capricorns reach for change: Between the 11th and 29th, those Capricorns who actually need structure and habits might think about changing jobs or moving. You can look forward to a new job that better suits your skills. From October 28, Jupiter shifts into Pisces, making many Capricorns much more introverted.
Favored by Libra Energies: Between October 11 and 29, Aquarians can benefit from an especially alert mind due to Mercury in Libra. In October, they are even more inquisitive and future-oriented.
From the 23rd, Venus in Scorpio encourages professional ambition. From October 28, Jupiter in Pisces leads you to reconsider the decisions of the past few months.
From October 11 one should take care of one's finances with the Libra Mercury. You should also demand professionally what you have earned. On the 28th Jupiter returns to the sign of Pisces. A time of personal luck, the spiritual retreat and the fulfillment of the own dreams announces itself.
About me:
I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
On 4th of April my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania.
From 16.05 started my great astrology course: Astrology 2.0, in 6 blocks (also bookable individually) with certificate completion.