Monthly horoscope August 2022: This is how the lion roars for all zodiac signs
Especially at the beginning of August, thanks to the influence of the Leo Sun on Jupiter in the positive angle, you can expect lively nights and romance. Despite a handful of conflict situations, the month promises many positive emotions and happy moments.
Communication planet Mercury is in Virgo from the beginning to the end of August, striving for order and structure. This tames some of the wild Leo energy and makes us look more analytically, but perhaps also sometimes more critically, at our to-do lists, relationships, and life plans.
The vibration of the zodiac sign Leo has a magical influence on our heart power, here all creative power originates. That is why it is not surprising that people born under the sign of Leo are so often found in the fashion industry. One thinks for example of the fashion icons Coco Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, or Domenico Dolce.
On August 23, the sun changes to the zodiac sign Virgo. Virgos are good to learn order from and how to bring structure to chaotic systems. Tremendous attention to detail and great diligence may then make us even more productive for a month. A downside is being a workaholic, as also revealed by well-known Virgos in the fashion industry, for example, Karl Lagerfeld, Tom Ford, and Stella McCartney.
Moon Highlights: Aquarius Full Moon on August 12, 2022
The zodiac sign Aquarius not only contains the principle of liberation and renewal. It also stands for global awareness, networking, compassion and humanity. In the energy of this Full Moon, we may understand social justice and environmental protection as part of our personal and human duty in the network of a community.
Virgo New Moon on August 27:
After the previous unbridled passion, the Virgo New Moon on August 27 may awaken our desire for structure and commitment. Now we want to stabilize our relationships as well as create clarity! Cosmic Roadmap Especially when you know about astrological transits, important astrological events or moon phases, you can properly time yourself and your activities, energetically and emotionally. You can understand this like a timetable or a cosmic weather report. This also offers the possibility to patiently endure bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for their own business, private life, and personal goals in the best possible way.
Between the 4th and the 25th with Mercury in Virgo, it's a good time to gather ideas, reorganize or communicate better within the company. From the 11th, Venus in Leo sets positive and passionate accents in love life until September 5. This is also a profitable time for group activities, sports, and games. But also for successful team meetings. From the 20th, Mars in Gemini will make Aries more impatient and nervous.
On August 2, there will be a conjunction of the driving planet Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Now long overdue decisions can be made. But beware of hasty actions and conflicts. Between the 4th and the 25th, Mercury in Virgo will make the Taurus-born very seductive and attractive.
Taureans will find the right words that will resonate in their partner's heart. From the 11th with Venus in Leo, the family will be the biggest priority into September. Starting on the 20th, Mars in Gemini may provide additional monetary income.
From August 24 through January 2023, Uranus in Taurus becomes retrograde. Now the changes that come from deep within come to the fore.
Between the 4th and 25th, Mercury in Virgo will put the main focus on family and home. This will be a good time to take ample time with loved ones. Starting on the 11th, with Venus in Leo, you will feel the need to lovingly nurture your emotions. From the 20th, the arrival of Mars in your sign will bring Gemini into absolute vital top form, making them more combative than ever.
From August 20 to March 2023, power planet Mars moves into Gemini - for an especially long time due to October's retrograde. However, you can invest the current power in your physical activities and sports program. Caution: you should be careful with so much incentive not to burn yourself out.
Between the 4th and the 25th, Mercury in Virgo makes you more communicative and quick-witted. Until August 10, love and beauty planet Venus walks in its own sign. Time for romance in a partnership or to flirt with this radiant charisma. From the 11th, Venus in Leo will possibly herald inflows of money. From the 20th of August with Mars in Gemini, a feeling of frustration may arise with which you have to deal with until next year and possibly rearrange some things in your life.
Indeed, it could be that the drive is somewhat inhibited until the end of the year. It is all the more important to set limits and to make a balanced plan where your energy should be directed.
It is the birthday month of the lions and lionesses! Happy birthday!
Mercury is still in Leo until August 4. Therefore, you should urgently use the beginning of the month to send important contracts, texts, and e-mails. From August 11 to September 5, the love and beauty planet Venus moves into your sign. Time for romance or to go on the flirt offensive with the strengthened radiance.
From August 20 to March 2023 power planet Mars changes into Gemini - for a particularly long time due to the retrograde in October. It could be that your own drive is spurred and you make many new and inspiring contacts.
Between the 4th and 25th, Mercury in your own sign will increase the need for communication and favor successful work on projects that require language and exchange... From August 11 with Venus in Leo, you will feel more emotionally challenged in love.
From August 20 to März 2023, power planet Mars moves into Gemini - for an especially long time due to October's retrograde. Mars in Gemini will spend an unusually long time in the 10 house for career, forming a square to the Virgo Sun. It could therefore be that one's ambition is inhibited until the end of the year and that one's nerves feel unusually thin. This makes it all the more important to set boundaries and make a balanced plan.
Between the 4th and the 25th with Mercury in Virgo, it's a good time to gather all the many creative ideas you have right now and put them into a structure. From the 11th, Venus in Leo will connect with friends who will positively support those born in Libra.
From August 20 to March 2023, power planet Mars moves into friendly Gemini - for an especially long time due to the October retrograde. It could therefore be that one's drive and vitality will have a decent boost ready by the end of the year. Mars in Gemini promotes fitness and health and improves communication skills.
Until August 11, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, walks in the friendly sign of Cancer. Time for romance in the partnership or to flirt passionately. From August 20 to March 2023, power planet Mars moves into Gemini - for an especially long time due to October's retrograde. It could be that a financial or administrative decision is moistened, seen as an injustice.
There one should nevertheless keep well with the own forces. Because it could be now unfortunately also that one is somewhat inhibited energetically up to the end of the year. It is all the more important to bring the levels of body, soul, and spirit into harmony and to find time for deceleration and regeneration.
From August 11 Venus changes into the friendly sign, the passionate Leo, and furthermore into its own element fire. Time for passion and the joy of flirting! From August 20 to März 2023, Mars shifts into Gemini - for an especially long time due to October's retrograde. Therefore, it could be that the basic constitution is somewhat taken by nervousness and tension - possibly even until January 2023. Therefore, at the latest now you should develop methods and rituals for more inner peace and integrate them into your life. At the same time, this phase could strengthen a work collaboration and various cooperations.
From August 4 to 25, Capricorns can use the energy and diligence of friendly Virgo in Mercury to make their own recipe for success on the job, the caution and accuracy inherent in Virgo. Perhaps some Capricorns will now engage in learning or business training.
From the 11th with Venus in Leo, emotions take on a more passionate note. Equally favorable: until August 19, Mars in the friendly sign Taurus strengthens one's assertiveness and concentration.
From July 31 to August 3, Mars and Uranus are in tension, making you particularly tense and nervous. During these days you should be especially careful not to escalate. On the 11th, Venus in the opposite sign of Leo protects and enriches love and relationships with beautiful little attentions and romantic moments.
From August 20 to March 2023, power planet Mars shifts into friendly Gemini - for an especially long time due to retrograde in October. Therefore, it could be that the drive and the power curve go steeply upwards until the end of the year. It's all the more important to have a balanced plan for where you want this energy to flow.
August 12 is the full moon in the sign of Aquarius.
Theme: Karma and the Collective. It's time to deal with your own karma.
Between the 4th and 25th, Mercury in Virgo will move into the relationship sector of Pisces, improving communication here. From August 20 to March 2023, power planet Mars moves into Gemini - for an especially long time due to the October retrograde. Mars in Gemini will be in the 4th house for an unusually long time, forming a square to the Pisces Sun. It could therefore be that one's ambition is inhibited until the end of the year and that one's nerves feel unusually thin. This makes it all the more important to set energetic boundaries and make a balanced plan as to who should benefit from one's natural healing energy and who should not. You can't help the whole world if you are energetically empty. But don't panic, Mars in Gemini is not only energy-draining, Mars is making for better family dynamics here.
About me
I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
On the 4th of April, my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania.
From 16.05 started my great astrology course: Astrology 2.0, in 6 blocks (also bookable individually) with certificate completion.