
Horoscope March 2023: The Month That Will Change Everything

Are you feeling well? Or are you already feeling something? If the latter, there are reasons for it, because we are experiencing real astro-turning points right now. Three power players are taking off: 1. Saturn enters Pisces for the first time since 1994/1996. 2. Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1797 (cue the wars of the French Revolution). And 3rd, Mars enters Cancer for the first time since April 2021.

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March is peppered with big astro-events like the entry of Saturn into Pisces on 7.03.23 and the change of Pluto into Aquarius on 23.03 until June 2023. This gives us a foretaste completely in the vibration of the Aquarian age on big changes and a value change in the inside, as in the outside! In March it is also about packing, we are literally thrown out of our comfort zone and start an inner revolution!

On 2.03 Mercury shifts into Pisces giving our communication a more creative, peaceful energy. From 19.03 Mercury then shifts our communication planet into ambitious and fiery Aries, helping to lift the energy and motivation of our spirit.

We shift overall towards the brighter time of year when the Sun moves from Pisces into Aries on 03/20, ushering in the Spring Equinox and the astrological New Year, the Mars Year 2023!


Pisces season still prevails: from February 18 the Sun changed to Pisces until March 20.

The zodiac sign of Pisces is strongly influenced by the element of water, the primordial substance of all life, and its ruler-planet of spirituality and intangible transcendence: Neptune. The sign of Pisces embodies the emotional, prophetic, which stands above the power of reason. But also the surreal and fantastic. Therefore we know the basic characteristics of Pisces people: they are mysterious, compassionate, intuitive, sensitive and understanding. The opposite pole in the zodiac, embodied by Virgo, represents the realism that Pisces sometimes lack. However, it would be too bad if we had to live without the dreamy, poetic and incredibly creative energy of the Pisces-born. This is sometimes almost out of this world.

This can be seen for example in the fantastic creations of the Pisces-born designers Alexander McQueen, Hubert de Givenchy, Franco Moschino or Kenzo Takada.

On 7.03 a new Saturn cycle begins with Saturn moving into Pisces, and we work on old energetic ballast, subconscious issues, dig through the past, seek and hopefully find new footing in deepening our spirituality, work up old karma and let go of old harmful imprints.


Communication Flow: Mercury moves into Pisces on March 2, 2023

As Mercury moves into Pisces, we may bring all of our accumulated, and perhaps new, spiritual experiences and information into our consciousness and use them effectively for us. Some things we experience during the opaque swirl of the Pisces season, however, we must also distinguish as distorted judgment, addiction, or (reality) escape.
Now we think more in terms of impressions and visions, and communicate in ways that are more creative, peaceful, and fluid.
Beware: the Pisces archetype simply involves the duality between conscious and unconscious, a simple choice to do good or bad. For a Pisces it feels the same whether it swims up or down and this shows us that in Pisces it is often difficult to distinguish between good and bad!Pisces season still prevails: from February 18 the Sun changed into Pisces until March 20

The zodiac sign of Pisces is strongly influenced by the element of water, the primordial substance of all life, and its ruler-planet of spirituality and intangible transcendence: Neptune. The sign of Pisces embodies the emotional, prophetic, which stands above the power of reason. But also the surreal and fantastic. Therefore we know the basic characteristics of Pisces people: they are mysterious, compassionate, intuitive, sensitive and understanding. The opposite pole in the zodiac, embodied by Virgo, represents the realism that Pisces sometimes lack. However, it would be too bad if we had to live without the dreamy, poetic and incredibly creative energy of the Pisces-born. This is sometimes almost out of this world.

This can be seen for example in the fantastic creations of the Pisces-born designers Alexander McQueen, Hubert de Givenchy, Franco Moschino or Kenzo Takada.

On 7.03 a new Saturn cycle begins with Saturn moving into Pisces, and we work on old energetic ballast, subconscious issues, dig through the past, seek and hopefully find new footing in deepening our spirituality, work up old karma and let go of old harmful imprints.

Time for some spring cleaning: full moon in Virgo on March 7, 2023

Themes: Reality and dreaming, balance and flow, order and intuition.

Pure, simple and realistic! It is about the realistic awareness of one's own inner conflicts. First comes the recognition and then the change! Virgo is symbolically exactly the sign of Yin and Yang of the masculine and feminine united in an order, in a healing harmony, with this we have already dealt in the beginning lunar cycle to the Pisces moon.

Virgo energy is the best assistant in the world for us to decide exactly what needs to be sorted, done or, for example, discarded documents. Tidying up and sorting out lends itself incredibly well. This is where the ability Virgo-born or Aspected people possess positively plays in when it comes to deciding whether we want to keep something or finally let it go.

Spirited and ambitious communication: Mercury shifts into Aries on March 19, 2023.

Our thinking and communication is fired up, after Mercury in Pisces was previously a more purely creative/quiet inward (communication and thinking) energy. This means extra active, fast communication we may use, passionate negotiating spirit and new business/establishments are fueled! Mercury Aries brings some impulses that may be urgently needed right now to get things moving on our most important goals

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius on March 23, Pluto shifts into Aquarius

Transformation planet Pluto changes on March 23rd into Aquarius, yes this Pluto has by nature purifying but also destructive properties - he is after all the planet ruler of Scorpio. He dismantles the obsolete so that one can create a wholesome new beginning and rise like Phoenix from the ashes. 

Although this planet affects the collective and society, it will most certainly have an impact on the individual personal level as well. This inner change and deep trauma and transformation work affects mainly the air and fire signs. And so it naturally affects especially the Aquarius born.

Sign Change: Sun into Aries on March 20, 2023.

The astrological New Year and the Sun changing into Aries is not only a powerful time to re-examine our goals for the year, but the Aries vibe is also the perfect energy to get ahead of inner and outer beginnings and fiery drive! With Aries as the first sign of the zodiac year, it's all about new beginnings. Mars power and masculine energy, tells how we assert ourselves in the world and are capable of action and fighting.

For this reason, we often feel a kick of energy at the beginning of Aries to powerfully tackle our goals again. Aries' typical enthusiasm, drive and temperament make them the most ambitious of all the zodiac signs. Aries are courageous and self-determined and are usually not afraid of new adventures and projects. Therefore, it is no wonder that especially the most successful designers like: Tommy Hilfiger, Derek Lam, Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs or Victoria Beckham can be found among Aries. 

The beginning of spring is a time of renewed life, with the promise of the fruitful abundance that may now (hopefully!) finally come.  Slowly, the days grow longer again and life returns from every hidden corner of nature. Even if the astronomical and calendrical beginning of spring is only on 20.3. the World Meteorological Organization has determined: March 1 marks the beginning of the spring period.

Fresh start: New moon in Aries on March 21, 2023

The energies of Aries and spring fire to break new ground where there has been no growth, joy or vitality even before the crisis. 

Themes: New beginnings, breakthroughs, beginner's spirit.

A new moon with a lot of divine timing! The New Moon in Aries also opens the astrological new year with inspired new beginnings that we can push forward in the energy of the Moon. Preparing for the New Moon: think about what you want to (re)start that could develop over the next 12 months. The Aries New Moon wants to prove to us that anything is possible, that we can always start over with courage in our hearts.

Emotional drive from March 27, 2023

Since August 2022, our drive has been and continues to be characterized by Mars in Gemini. With Mars in Cancer until May 20, the drive comes more from emotion than from mind and thought; rather from feminine energy. We put our energy into self-care, mothering, family, beautifying our home or moving house at best.

March monthly horoscope for the 12 signs of the zodiac


Your ruling planet Mars leaves Gemini on 03/25. Use the time before to complete important projects. With the change into Cancer, you feel frustrated and restricted more often. With love planet Venus in your own sign, the first 2 weeks in March will be crucial to initiate a positive turnaround in a relationship. If the frustration becomes too much, you should escape the daily grind with sports or nature and/or relax! 


How wonderful - ruler planet Venus changes from 16.03. to 11.04. in Taurus and strengthens the own charisma, communication and makes popular and desirable. From the middle of the month you have so Venus at your side and thus the feeling that everything can succeed. Also the drive, which was perhaps missing until now, comes back at the end of the month and is favored by Mars in Cancer from 25.03. to 20.05. At the latest now it is important to create and get started with your new plans. 


Those born in Gemini should not get too stressed by Saturn's change into Pisces and be careful not to be deceived by fellow men. You are what you think! With the cosmic flying visit of Pluto in Aquarius from 23.03. to 11.06. you will feel a new inner power in you which will also let your soul grow spiritually. 

Positive for love and communication: From 20.02. to 16.03. Venus and from 19.03. to 03.04. Mercury are in Aries. 


Finally: Power, which may have been lacking until now, is now coming back. With Mars in your own sign of Cancer, you have strength and momentum from 03/25 to 05/20 to carry your projects and goals into May. You may even feel invincible during this phase. Mercury in Pisces from 02.03. to 19.03. strengthens your own talents like: Empathy. The environment will appreciate you for it very much. Pluto from 23 March in Aquarius, could bring emotional relief until 11 June. One may then finally feel less tested by fate. 


Finally. A real relief after about two years with Saturn in the opposite sign Aquarius and this now changes to Pisces.Especially in love and relationships you were tested quite hard in the past two years. Now it is time to take a deep breath and feel the great change inside. Leave the frustration behind and recognize with gratitude your newfound clarity. Venus in Aries until 16.03. strengthens the newly won self-image additionally.


In March, you are sufficiently supported by Venus in the areas of love, finances, creativity, and by Jupiter in abundance and vision, so that you feel good overall. Love sparks a bonfire here and there in friendly Taurus and gives sensuality. Do you have specific relationship goals or investment plans right now? This is an especially good month, as Saturn from March 7 in Pisces can lead to an important professional or personal connection. 


Jupiter is still present in Aries, driving those born in Libra. You are forced to decide on your own and get into action. This is not easy if you are not used to it and seem to rely heavily on the opinions and feedback of others. Mars leaves the sign of friendly Gemini on March 25. From the end of the month, you follow your intuition more, so success is certain for Libra. From March 25 to May 20, Mars in Cancer causes conflict.


After initial stalling in the energy of the new year, real change may finally come! On March 7, Saturn moves into friendly Pisces for a long time. A good opportunity to turn important projects and ideas into reality! A time in which you can consolidate your position professionally as well as privately. In March every step you take confirms that you have taken the right direction. Only Venus in Taurus from 16.03. will shake up your relationships a bit and will ask you to work on your bonds.


Saturn in Pisces from the 7th is likely to force Sagittarians to work out details of their projects more in depth and finely. Beware of frustration, because this also means you'll move a little slower, but you'll also be able to stimulate your creative spirit more. Before 16.03 a declaration of love or even a marriage proposal is within reach! Because love planet Venus and luck planet and ruler Jupiter bring a lot of passion and strengthen the desire to consolidate a relationship.


Since May 2022 ma is fueled by the year ruler 2022 Jupiter of throwing old security thinking overboard! One wants to realize oneself, without any doubt. Saturn changes on the 7th into Pisces and supports to formulate a vision creatively and successfully. Put absolutely with everything what they do more on the own intuition. And a great relief can be felt from the 23rd of March, when Pluto takes its shadow from your soul and changes into Aquarius for a short time until June.


So much sense of freedom in March: the departure of Saturn from their own sign from 7.03. gives them and their destiny a new impetus and upwind. The time of austerity and karma tests has an end. As a couple, you also reinvent yourself in March by allowing more time for each other and opening up to more depth of feeling through Pluto in Aquarius in the coming period.


Romantic feelings could be experienced in February. And now from March 16 Venus in Taurus ensures that relationships finally become more stable. Consistency and security in a partnership will support so much in everything you do. Caution: at the beginning of March, perhaps a cosmic exuberance of Venus and Jupiter will tempt you to spend way too much money to satisfy your needs. Don't panic, you will finally become more sensible in the next few years anyway: from March 7 Saturn reminds you of your own limits and gives more realism until circa 2026.

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About me

I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom of the cosmos, astrology, to the world in an undusted, modern and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver cosmic weather reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" is published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

For L'Officiel Austria I write a comprehensive horoscope for all zodiac signs every month. So that each of us can live in harmony with the current energy of the times.

In 2022 my Astro Cards are published by Königsfurt Urania Verlag.

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