Horoscope December 2021: Powerful final spurt and transformation
Cosmic Roadmap or "What horoscope season is it?"
Especially if you know about the actual astrological transits, important astrological events, or moon phases, you can adjust yourself and your activities temporally, energetically, and emotionally. You can understand this like a cosmic roadmap or a cosmic weather forecast. This also provides the opportunity to be patient during bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for your business, private life, and personal goals in the best way.
There is a lot of energy awaiting us in the last month of the year, so the month begins with Neptune going direct on the first of the month, and with the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius on December 4, there are some stirring eclipse energies already in play in the first week, which we already had a heavy taste of in November at the full moon in Taurus on November 19.
Many have suffered from mood swings, dizziness, sleep disturbance or headaches.
The full moon in the twins on 19.12 raises again some questions in us above all in view of our communication and thought world.
On December 24, Christmas of all days, we can also expect a somewhat difficult constellation that will shake our values.
The last month of the year 2021 is also astrologically marked by many astro-events that have already started in November like basically the energy of the sign Sagittarius.
Sagittarius still rules with vision power and horizon expansion
Sagittarius season from November 22 to December 21
On November 22, the Sun entered Sagittarius and continues to illuminate all the areas in December where we may once again engage in more free spirit, adventure, growth and expansiveness in our lives. The Sagittarius season can thus be an invitation to move ourselves in new and exciting directions professionally or personally. The zodiac sign is always searching for meaning in life, philosophy and truth. As we expand our horizons, we encounter opportunities and draw people we have not previously considered for our lives. Free-spirited, rich in colors and styles are also the styles of Sagittarius designers: Jil Sander, Manolo Blahnik, John Galliano, Malene Birger or Gianni Versace.
Spiritual development, dreams and needs
Neptune in the sign of Pisces goes direct again on December 1
Planet Neptune, representing our spirituality, is the astrological ruler of dreamy Pisces anyway. With its direct-running, we are to remember that we deserve the best and the life of our dreams at all times and not to settle for less. Perhaps in these years of crises we have been shown what we need to let go of because it is all stress and not good for us. It is time to focus more on our own well-being again, but also to develop compassion for society. During the phase of Neptune retrograde, we may have had some spiritual experiences or concretely become more open to spirituality and practices such as oracles, astrology or other subjects and methods. However, we may also have had some illusions and delusions to work through and clear in the last few months, to lift the Neptunian veils, so to speak. This constellation has a strong effect on our unconscious and opens to the subtle, dreams and visions.
We are unfortunately at the end of this year again in the middle of the personal and global struggle for survival, in which we have to deal again and again with restrictions and changes of our needs, dreams and desires and already had to anyway.
Fueled transformation, visions and demise of the old self
December 4 New moon in Sagittarius and total solar eclipse Theme: visions and inner expansiveness
This New Moon can fire the inner need to start something new and plan what we would like to integrate into our lives in the new coming year of 2022. However, it also means that we need to leave the old behind as we open ourselves to the possibility and magic of a new beginning. This year, like 2020, has been intense, fierce, confusing and has shown us where and what things in our lives are not working with or without a pandemic. We may have been inspired to take a new direction. The new moon in Sagittarius and the total solar eclipse, unfortunately not visible in our latitudes, supports our vision of a true new beginning. But this lunar and solar event is also not without-, because Sagittarius energy is basically fiery impatient, it wants to move forward and sometimes seems impetuous. Therefore, it is also important to beware of conflicts and to intercept any mood swings that may occur.
That's why it is important to always stay with yourself and in clarity.
Tip: Methods that support coming to rest, perhaps with meditations or conscious "me-time", are therefore recommended.
Such an eclipse can have some positive therapeutic and transformative effects. It may bring to light memories and perhaps traumas that normally would not come to the surface and can be stirred up. But the opportunity it reveals is that you can let go of an outdated part of your ego and, in the best case, leave it behind.
Objective and serious communication
On December 13 Mercury enters Capricorn
When the planet of communication Mercury turns into the sign Capricorn, the messenger of the gods, who is actually agile, takes on a bit of the characteristics of Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn: cool, sober and rational. Unfortunately, now you might tend to deal with difficult, tedious and sometimes depressing issues and especially with material issues, of which there are enough at the moment.
This is wonderful for all activities and projects, as well as for all areas that require rigor, accuracy and seriousness. You are probably more inclined than usual to sober speech, dry humor or gallows humor at this time. Also, Mercury in Capricorn can be beneficial to get some important administrative things done before the end of the year and to provide balance in dicey situations with objectivity. It is also the perfect time to focus on what we really want to accomplish in the coming year.
Tip: Create a vision board with inspiring images for the coming year or create wish lists.
Energy ride: Motivation and boundless thirst for action
Mars moves into the sign Sagittarius on December 13.
The driving and assertive planetary energy of Mars actually feels right at home in the energetic, fiery sign of Sagittarius. Mars is the planet of action and astrologically responsible for our drive. He represents our initiative and the way we push forward, and in the boundless expanse of Sagittarius, there's hardly a limit to that.
During this transit we want more of everything in life and are bursting with vigor. If there has been a lack of strength and stamina in the past time, Mars in Sagittarius helps us to look beyond our current inner but also outer limitations and realize the vast possibilities that are available to us within ourselves. This is an ideal time to get going with things with tremendous drive and to make important decisions.
Note: Under this influence, there can sometimes be a lack of stamina or focus because you get bogged down with too much drive, so don't take on more than you can actually accomplish.
Time to ask the right questions and communicate authentically
December 19 Full Moon in Gemini Theme: communication and thoughts
Other themes: Imbalances in our own energy, negotiations, individual needs, justice, curiosity, inner questions, conversations, thought spirals, mental breakdowns, light and dark, lightness
A Full Moon in communication-strong Gemini illuminates any imbalances in our thought system, as well as communication, either personally or in the world around us.
In addition, the Full Moon reinforces within us the ability to negotiate and communicate so that our needs are met or how to work for the changes that support our greatest good and happiness.
Gemini is the sign of polarities and thus the Full Moon energy is likely to carry a slightly diffuse and halting, somewhat confusing energy. Also, this zodiac sign teaches us that we always have the freedom of a choice. And not everyone follows the same rules even in this society. It is all the more important to learn from the Gemini energy that everyone follows their own particular path.
A learning of this full moon: one's own authenticity is the greatest freedom!
Structure work in relationships
On December 19 Venus in Capricorn turns retrograde into the new year
This constellation also stands for seriousness and honesty and awareness of the structures of our relationships as well as in relation to the subject of money. If we learn to be honest with ourselves, our environment will also react to us in an honest way. What will also come into focus during this Venus retrograde are the difficulties couples and their relationships face due to the Corona crisis.
In quarantine, lockdown, or contact restriction, most couples who have been forced to spend so much time together will find tension in their relationships. Beware: lack of space, lack of time for individual needs can lead to arguments and even a lessening of desire. With Venus in Capricorn, it's about more consistency and security in our relationships and working on the fine structures of love, relationship and money issues with confidence and trust. However, there may also be matters to negotiate or reconsider in the area of finances so that you can plan for the long term.
Profundity and grounding
On December 21, the Sun changes into the sign Capricorn
As an animal of the high mountains, the Capricorn knows where the weights of life lie - were up and down are. Therefore, he is not easily dazzled and has everything under control. Nevertheless, the Capricorn should not be pushed into the corner of the "cold soul" so easily, because behind its façade waits for a profundity that is unparalleled and is also present in the original representation of the zodiac sign.
Secondly, he is an absolute workhorse and this makes him - like his elementary earth "colleagues" Virgo and Taurus - a star sign who can build up a considerable fortune. This is immediately proven when you look at the list of successful entrepreneurs. Business acrobats such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, shipping legend Aristoteles Onassis, cosmetics entrepreneur Helena Rubinstein (and her rival Elizabeth Arden), or Hilton founder Conrad Nicholson Hilton were all born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn and have created empires with perseverance and discipline.
Christmas and the most important astro-annual constellation
On December 24 Saturn squares Uranus for the third time in 2021
The square of Saturn and Uranus was considered one of the most important events in 2021, all astrologers agreed. This constellation will be the third time exactly at Christmas on December 24. That means the degrees form a square, an astrological challenge between Saturn in the freedom-loving rebellious Aquarius and Uranus, the liberator planet in Taurus will be activated. This is probably once again about global and societal issues, such as the terrible divide on social issues that should actually be addressed with reason and a sense of community rather than emotion, aggression and fear.
But it's also about perhaps breaking with old traditions that feel unfree.
Translating this into a private Christmas setting, perhaps it can also be very refreshing, cleansing, and liberating to say goodbye to societal constraints that are long outdated and to celebrate the holiday entirely in an individual sense. Just because you may be breaking with tradition doesn't mean that something much better can't come out of it. And if that just means finally replacing your grandmother's old Christmas ornaments with stylish, modern decor this year!
Tip: During this influence, it's best not to force things, either in the direction of tradition or too much of a break from it.
The deeper meaning in life
On December 29 Jupiter moves into Pisces
Basically, it can be said that with Jupiter in Pisces, the search for a deeper meaning in our lives is activated. Especially favored now are all kinds of esoteric and spiritual activities such as meditation, yoga, alternative therapies and healing, etc. Jupiter expands all the areas it touches. This constellation can bring some wonderful gifts to our world. It makes sense, therefore, to focus on creative projects or topics that require imagination and inspiration until May. This energy can help us experience more meaning and move our visions forward in unexpected ways. We may become especially familiar with the planet's energy in 2022, as Jupiter is considered the astrological ruler of the year.
I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: www.tanjabrock.de I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
Photo: Lisa Hantke
For more free monthly horoscopes check out our astrology section to get the newest time qualities.
Also, check out:
- Astrologer Tanja Brock on the Age of Aquarius which started in 2021, its future potential, and everything you need to know about the biggest astrological shift in our lifetime!
- Or about the zodiac sign of the Capricorn.