Monthly Horoscope for April 2022: Fresh Start and Abundance
The New Moon in Aries on April 1, 2022 ushers in the fourth month of the year in the adventurous sign of Aries and is also the right start to the astrological New Year and the door opener for so much change and new beginning opportunities.
This focus on this powerful, breakthrough, burning and forward Aries energy suggests that this New Moon offers us all a powerful opportunity to bring and communicate our innermost, honest selves to the world. And maybe we'll even reinvent ourselves in the process?
The Sun is also in Aries since the sign change: Sun into Aries on March 20, 2022.
The astrological New Year and the Sun changing into Aries is not only a powerful time to re-examine our goals for the year, but the Aries vibe is also the perfect energy to get ahead of inner and outer beginnings and fiery drive! With Aries as the first sign of the zodiac year, it's all about new beginnings. Mars power and masculine energy, tells how we assert ourselves in the world and are capable of action and fighting.
For this reason, we often feel a kick of energy at the beginning of Aries to powerfully tackle our goals again. Aries' typical enthusiasm, drive and temperament makes them the most ambitious of all the zodiac signs. Aries are courageous and self-determined and are usually not afraid of new adventures and projects. Therefore, it is no wonder that especially the most successful designers like: Tommy Hilfiger, Derek Lam, Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs or Victoria Beckham can be found among Aries.
Whether it's about showing the world who we are or tackling a passionate project, we are certainly called upon to put our own needs more in the foreground. And April will also be about abundance, when Mercury moves into the rich zodiac sign Taurus on April 11 and the Sun on April 20. By the way, this month is also characterized by an abundance of lunar events: We have two new moons that take place on: April 1 and April 30. The second moon is therefore called Black Moon!
Cosmic Roadmap
Especially if you know about astrological transits, important astrological events or moon phases, you can adjust yourself and your activities temporally, energetically and emotionally correctly. You can understand this like a timetable or a cosmic weather report. This also provides the opportunity to patiently weather a bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for your business, private life and personal goals in the best possible way.
Fresh new start: New moon in Wiodder on 1st off April
The energies of Aries and Spring fire you to break new ground where even before the crisis there was no growth, joy or vitality.
Themes: New beginnings, breakthroughs, beginner's spirit.
A new moon with a lot of divine timing! The New Moon in Aries also opens the astrological New Year with inspired new beginnings that we can push forward in the energy of the Moon. Preparing for the New Moon: think about what you want to (re)start that could develop over the next 12 months. The Aries New Moon wants to prove to us that anything is possible, that we can always start over.
Dreamy feelings of love and heightened romance- Venus moves into Pisces on April 5.
In astrological terminology - it is said that Venus is "exalted" in Pisces. An exalted position is the highest honor a planet can receive. Venus in Pisces has "premium quality", so to speak! This means at the same time that love is, can be, a major theme in your life and carries a positive potential that may just be waiting to unfold. Venus can unfold in the Pisces on the one hand extraordinarily well, but on the other hand it can lose itself in the ocean of the emotions and perceptions unfortunately also, thus e.g. in a continuous striving for the supposedly better! Beware of self-delusion and exaggerated idealization of possible partners. We tend to dip everything too sher in an imaginary cotton candy!
More down-to-earth thinking and money mindset: Mercury moves into Taurus on April 11.
Our thought processes and communication is more focused on security, finances, possessions and permanence with this position. We may also be dealing with issues around grounding, nature or animals now. This is a great time to strengthen strategies, systems and structures, improve the basic elements of your business and money mindset and make great progress.
Peaceful Time- Mars moves into the sign of Pisces on April 15.
Mars in Pisces stands for indirect action, peace and spirituality. Now we can slow down a little bit, because the energies don't allow it any other way. Pisces is more passive anyway and it is more about allowing instead of initiating. Now you can't force anything!
Tip: Time for spiritual practice, meditation, retreat, rest, peace
Beauty, harmony and relationship- Full moon in Libra on April 16.
Themes: Loneliness vs. togetherness, inner well-being, security. Balance, relationships, femininity, beauty, self-worth.
Dealing with feelings of loneliness, the struggle between closeness and separation from those we love, between the you (Libra) and the I (Aries).
Questions: How can important relationships heal? How can one's femininity and self-esteem heal?
The main focus here is on the issues surrounding all Venus concerns, after all, Libra is ruled by the planet Venus just as Taurus is: love, money and beauty. Perhaps in preparation for the full moon we weigh what is really most important to us here and try to align our lives accordingly and work and advocate more closely with and for our values. This full moon holds great healing opportunities for relationships and value issues!
Sensuality, matter and abundance- Change of sign: Sun in Taurus from April 20.
Relevant in Taurus time are mainly security issues (inner and outer values and resources), material things, beauty, sensuality, pleasure and luxury.
In everyday life we are often looking for something that nourishes our soul and lets real satisfaction come in. In doing so, we often forget that we can find many such life-giving sources in nature that help us up from the depths to life. There is one instance, a source of tranquility and abundance. Mother Nature helps us to come back to ourselves.
Especially the relation to the planetary ruler Venus makes Taurus-born especially suitable for the fields of beauty and fashion, art, music and design and all related industries, such as retail, interior design, but also enjoyment: fine food and richly laid tables, hence many chefs, gourmets and gourmets are also found among the bulls.
Well-known bull fashion designers include the absolute luxury lovers: Christian Lacroix, Donatella Versace, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Valentino.
Fate and Deep Dive: Pluto in Capricorn turns retrograde on April 29.
Pluto is the ruler of the sign Scorpio and is considered in astrology as the ruler of the underworld. It is mainly concerned with one's own inner deep themes: Trauma, mysticism, ancestors and secrets.
A retrograde Pluto is generally considered to indicate fateful changes and upheavals. Pluto stands for the unconscious, also repressed subconscious stored pain, power, certainty, survivability, beginning and end also in the sense of die and become processes.
Pluto in Capricorn can point to what is still hardened and not in flow within us, what wants to be separated and ended in order to find oneself - to be completely oneself. It is essential to take responsibility for your own destiny without blaming others. A good opportunity to get out of the victim attitude!
Ingenuity and good communication: Mercury moves into Gemini on April 30.
This constellation stimulates the mental energy, brings many ideas and plans, but also keeps us active and wants more commitment.
Mercury is in domicile (home)in Gemini and can develop especially well here! Good time for your own communication! Focus on knowledge and learning new skills. This is a great time to dive into new topics to learn. We can learn to dialogue better with others and ourselves through this energy. Especially good for: Writing projects, learning, teaching, presentations, speeches and research.
Attention: On 10.05 the second of four Mercury Retrogrades of the year 2022 is already waiting for us!
Time for it a new peace of mind: New moon in Taurus on April 30
We experience with it a so-called Blackmoon that is if there is more than one new moon in the same calendar month. In addition, a partial lunar eclipse takes place, which could stand for a transformation of the following themes.
Themes: Deep inner rootedness, natural inner rhythm, enjoyment, peace of mind, beauty, sensual pleasures, luxury, finance.
Finally, the New Moon in Taurus brings us a breather. But we may also reconsider our value system:
Is there enough nature and naturalness in my life? What brings peace and lets one be in inner peace? What are our own beliefs about values and wealth (inside and outside)? And in which of them are true or no longer true?
About me:
I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.
On 4th of April my Astro Cards are published by Königsfurt Urania.
From 16.05 starts my great astrology course: Astrology 2.0, in 6 blocks (also bookable individually) with certificate completion. (Early Bird 15% off until April 15)
Photo: Sapna Richter