
4 Things the Taurus Full Moon and its Lunar Eclipse Teaches Us

On 8 November 2022 the full moon will go dark. Not only an astronomical, but also an astrological event is in store for us. After all, Taurus and Scorpio will be facing each other on this day. A lunar eclipse that lets us determine our values: What is important to us? What are things, people and energies we want to say goodbye to?

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1st Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Question: Am I in the right relationship? What is important to me in life?

This Taurus Full Moon is exactly opposite the star sign Scorpio. What the two have in common: They are in opposition to each other. While the fun-loving, down-to-earth Taurus calls the planet Venus his "own", for Scorpio it is the planet Mars and the "planet" Pluto. This tension will stir up quite a bit of dust, because the Mars energy, which pushes forward briskly (also dedicated to the god of war) as well as the mystical Pluto really have it in them and make us perceive love (planet Venus) particularly critically.

But this is not the only thing that comes into focus now. Taurus loves its possessions, likes to draw from the full and loves good food and drink. What is important to me? So we will ask ourselves more often in the next few.

1st Full Moon Ritual: Clear out that box or drawer that has been giving you a headache for a while. Armed" with a bin liner and organising systems, such as small boxes, life is immediately much better. Then fumigate the flat with white sage and your mind will feel fresher and clearer again.

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Taurus-born people are considered good-natured, loyal and down-to-earth, but they can also be stubborn. The zodiac sign Taurus draws its energy from long-term relationships. We will evaluate which relationships are (still) important to us during the Taurus Full Moon on 8 November 2022.

2nd Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Question: What is my "dark side"?

This particularly speaks to the Scorpio aspect that is visible in this Taurus lunar eclipse. For Scorpio, as mentioned earlier, is associated with the planet Pluto and this is consecrated to the god Hades - the god of darkness and the underworld. Fits in with the recently passed Halloween and All Saints' Day, doesn't it? Well, it's no coincidence that the Christian annual calendar is also based on the pagan calendar. After all, many things were simply adopted and "reinterpreted" by the early Roman Church. Accordingly, in the western world we still have these rituals today that go hand in hand with the planetary energies.

We can see this again now when we have to ask ourselves what our own "darkness" is. Scorpios love to find out the truth and simply cannot stand inauthentic sweet talk. They often confront the person bluntly with their truth and are considered "difficult" not least because of this. But the truth hurts, as we all know, and so it is not surprising that Scorpio "strikes" when it is in opposition to this Taurus Full Moon. What Taurus, as a harmony-seeking creature of spring, likes to sweep under the carpet, is now being exposed with a vengeance.

Pleasant may look different, but transformation never takes place without profound changes and these always start with honesty towards oneself. That is why it is especially important now to design the full moon ritual in such a way that we look for our weaknesses - even if this can be painful.

2nd Full Moon Ritual: Grab pen and paper. Think about your last argument. What would you like to do differently? Or review negative thoughts towards a person. What triggers you about this person - without there being a reason for it? Often it is these "black" thoughts that reveal our innermost struggles: Envy, resentment, rejection. They show us where our weak points are and let us grow when we confess to them.

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Scorpio is equipped with the "spike of truth" and likes to use it. Even if it hurts. Scorpio will be in opposition to Taurus during the Full Moon Eclipse and will make us question our dark side.

3rd Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Question: How can I learn to deal with my trauma better?

This lunar eclipse is also a time of healing, as is every eclipse - whether it is a lunar or solar eclipse. Since time immemorial, these celestial events have been regarded as something special and rituals have been performed. This is no coincidence!

All year long, the Moon's nodes have been on the Taurus and Scorpio axes. In these positions we have already had the opportunity to see our wounds, traumas and the resulting pain clearly in the last months. Traumas that we have experienced have been "flushed" upwards and have allowed us to experience it once again. It has not been easy, but real transformation never is. If we recognise it as such and consciously explore the dark in ourselves, we leave this year with a new spirit.

3rd Full Moon Ritual: Use an hour in which you are as alone as possible and write down a special experience that has been bothering you for a long time. If tears come, don't hold them back, just let them flow. Then burn the paper in a fireproof container (outdoors if possible). A candlelit bath with rose water and sea salt purifies us afterwards. Particularly moving dreams that night will be nothing unusual, but you should feel better in the morning.

4th Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Question: What are my patterns and what do I want to change?

This has all sounded like a lot of drama and excitement so far, hasn't it? But the good comes in the end, because this lunar eclipse is THE chance not only to recognise old patterns, but also to transform them and turn them into new ones that allow us to heal. It is therefore also the chance to simply let go.

It is an opportunity to let go of energies that are no longer serving us, without any effort or strain on our part. It is like a leaf that falls from a tree in autumn and floats to the ground. In doing so, the tree is not hurt, but sheds it naturally and naturally so that new leaves can grow vigorously in the spring.

This is the way to lead life away from chaos and back towards more harmony. Even if the world with its many crises we have experienced in recent years does not feel like it, we can find peace within ourselves. This arms us best to face an uncertain world.

4th Full Moon Eclipse Ritual: Clear the air - once and for all! Write a letter (very classic, but also effective), an email or - best of all - simply call the person you want to talk to. It will feel much easier for you afterwards.

What are lunar nodes in astrology?

The lunar node axis is formed from the intersections of the Sun's and Moon's orbits and this is also where the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse phenomena take place. There is an ascending and a descending lunar node. Both are exactly opposite each other and both are always in opposite signs and houses. The descending lunar node points to the past, the ascending lunar node to the future. Taken together, the lunar node axis describes the main karmic theme/life goal of a horoscope, as the Sun and Moon are the most important factors in any horoscope and come together in the lunar node axis through the meeting of their orbits. This relates to the theme of tension as well as the fateful quality of time in society for about 18 months.

Activation of the Taurus and Scorpio themes

We continue to experience a cosmic activation of the Taurus and Scorpio themes, which revolve around the themes of: Transformation, (self) worth, finances, power, abundance, wealth, spirituality, grounding, pleasure, shadow, trauma and connection.

The South Node in Scorpio asks us to let go of any victimhood and judgement against others that prevents our growth, and wants to bring us more into self-empowerment.

Background: The (true) North Node of the Moon entered Taurus on 18.01.2022 and remains there until 17.7.2023. In this way the eclipse axes have been shifted from the Gemini/Scout focus to the Taurus/Scorpio axis.

This also determined the basic energy of 2022, which gave us an emotional and intense year.

About L'Officiel Austria Astrologer Tanja Brock

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I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom of the cosmos, astrology, to the world in an undusted, modern and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver cosmic weather reports and write about astrological as well as spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth chart, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" is published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

For L'Officiel Austria I write a comprehensive horoscope for all zodiac signs every month. So that each of us can live in harmony with the current energy of the times.

2022 my "Astro Cards" were published by Königsfurt Urania Verlag.

Photo: Sapna Richter


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