Cannes Film Festival - Meet the Altadium Group
"S.O.S. Survive or Sacrifice" was included in the screening program of the 74th Cannes Film Festival this year, and was shown on the 9th of July in the ARCADES cinema theatre. This film has been a great success for the Cyprus film industry in general, and for ALTADIUM Group in particular and, so far, it has been shown both in the US and Canada. Therefore, it was very important to have had the film screened at Cannes with the aim to promote it further and make the world aware of the shooting diversity, and the overall potential of cinema production, in Cyprus. The film was very well received and attended mainly by film industry professionals, such as international film buyers, distributors, CGI specialists, film directors, and even airline representatives.
"S.O.S.” was a vitally important step for the ALTADIUM Group. They have managed to prove to themselves and to Cyprus that they are capable of filming "big", technically complex movies with a high standard. It’s still early to talk about the film's performance at the box office, as it has only just started its journey around the world, however, we are all wishing it the best of luck.
This movie production combined in itself a fantastic opportunity for many famous and talented actors. Cyprus is a great place for filming and the film had recieved tremendous support from the local government, businesses, and general public.
With regard to ALTADIUM's presence at Cannes, this festival affords the perfect opportunity to establish business links and to open communication channels between world cinema professionals. Cannes is a mega celebration of cinema as it is. It’s all about gifted professional artists and people, amazing settings, and beautiful clothes. The feeling of being there is similar to being in another film project: there are so many meetings, events, business breakfasts, and lunches. It is important to be ready for all of that — wearing the right outfits, shoes, hairstyles, makeup...
ALTADIUM Group also used the opportunity to present a new project: a horror film, "Ghosts of Monday", at the after-screening party. The feedback from that was encouraging, and the guests were very much intrigued by the teaser. In fact, we are all eagerly looking forward to seeing the final cut of this project soon!
With both "SOS" and "The Ghosts Of Monday", it was proved that it is very possible to produce good quality
films in Cyprus without investing a fortune. Being part of the Cannes Film Festival market was crucial for a company like ALTADIUM. We are all very excited to see further positive development in this direction!
Pictures: PR