Who in these hot August days wouldn't wear just a bikini without worrying about the rest, perhaps in a seaside resort, with salt in their hair? Today the cult piece of the summer is 74 years old but what were the beach looks before it was invented?
From the early 1900s until about the 1940s, discovering the navel was considered deplorable. Initially, in fact, women went to the sea completely dressed in tunics that left everything to the imagination.
It was in the 20s and 30s that shapeless tunics went to more comfortable onesie, which revealed more the body but which continued to be very far from the idea of beachwear we have today.
In 1946 it was a French tailor and engineer, Louis Réard , who invented what we know today as a bikini . The name comes from 'Bikini Atoll in the Marshall sun, in which, during the same years, the United States led nuclerari experiments. It was so disruptive to the culture of modesty of the time that it was banned in numerous countries including Italy , France and Spain and completely banned from the Miss World contest .
But after Brigitte Bardot was photographed in a bikini on the beach in Cannes , the new summer outfit suddenly became popular across the French Riviera .
The cinema made a great contribution to bikini stardom. The one worn by Ursula Andress in "Agent 007 - License to Kill" is unforgettable. And the countless costumes shown in the 1969 film La Piscine .
Then beachwear arrived on the catwalk, first in the 90s with supermodels: from Chanel and Versace , Fendi , Etro and Dolce & Gabbana .
Instead, for Spring Summer 2019 Chanel brought the catwalk to the beach, with a set that reproduced the crowded beaches we are used to in summer.